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The New Notion Club Archives

Ethring and the Crossing Hall

  • Type: Walled Town 
  • Inhabitants: 95% Gondorian, 5% Daen
  • Population: 1,300
  • Origin: Settled by Gondorians in the late Second Age; granted a royal charter in TA 180
  • Purpose: A market town serving most agricultural and mining communities of Lamedon
  • Symbol: Two Boars on an Orange Field

Ethring (S."Cold Spring") was scarcely a town with its 1,300 souls, established during the Gondorian conquest on the eastern bank of the Ringló at the crossing of the Rathon Arat.Its name derived from the icy waters that flowed down from the nearby mountain streams. The upper Ringló valley counted as part of Lamedon and was a sparsely populated, intermediate region on the Lebennin border.The area was governed by a Hando seated in Ethring. A modest stone wall surrounded the town , more for toll purposes than to provide any military defense.

Most of the large farms in Lamedon were in the area, and Ethring became a large market town at harvesttime,profiting from the traffic along the Gondor Road and catering to the needs of the surrounding area and to travelers on their way west or east. Mining and smithing were among the subsidiary industries.

Like the other towns of Lamedon, Ethring maintained a "rustic" feel, especially in comparison to Gondor's busy seaports. Locals in Ethring and other nearby towns were more likely to be more suspicious of outsiders and peculiar behavior than their more worldly kinsmen, and travelers had to take pains to be inconspicuous.

Places of Note:[]

  • Crossing Hall
  • Great Market
  • north-east entrance
    • lumber mill
  • north-west entrance
  • south entrance
  • west entrance


Arvaethor Borhador Morbirin Candúr Dervorin Laerind Tologlor


  • MERP:Southern Gondor-The Land
  • MERP:Northwestern Middle-Earth Campaign Atlas