Eriador (S. "Lonely Land") was a geographic region which included all the territory north of the River Isen (S. Sir Angren) and between the Blue Mountains (S. Ered Luin) and the Misty Mountains. Its imprecise northern border lay along the highland ridge that ran westward from Carn Dûm in Angmar and reached to the Ice Bay of Forochel. Some accounts placed the southern border along the line bounded by the rivers Greyflood (S. Gwathló) and Swanfleet (S. Glanduin). Most, however, held it to be that area north of Gondor's traditional western border.
- Type: Upland Basin.
- Area: 265.700 square miles.
- Elevation: average. 550 feet. lowest point: sea level. highest point: Amon Sûl (S. "Weathertop") 1.504 feet.
- Climate: average annual precipitation: 30-50 inches. mean annual temperature. 53-63° F average low. Ninui 15° F average high. Urui 85° F
- Composition: The terrain of Eriador is marked by a number of concentric ridges, known as downs. The bedrock is mostly sedimentary, with limestone, sandstone and chalk most common. Flint was abundant in the Weather Hills and eastern Arthedain. Anomalous granite hills appeared in the Shire. Eriador was not known for its mineral wealth, but some limited mining took place. Copper ores could be found throughout the lands which made up Arnor. The Men of Arthedain drew small quantities of silver ore from the North Downs, and a modest salt panning industry in Cardolan supplied the rest of the region.
- Notes: The term Eriador described all of the land encompassed by the Ered Luin, the Ered Nimrais and the Misty Mountains, including the regions of Enedwaith, Minhiriath, and what had was once been the Kingdom of Arnor. A wide variety of peoples inhabited Eriador, from the urbane Dúnedain of Arthedain to the rugged Hillmen of Rhudaur to the peaceful Hobbits of the Shire. Millennia of inhabitation had reduced the once mighty forests of this region to scattered clusters of birch, beech, and elm and the occasional large wood, such as the Old Forest. Low grasses abounded in the areas not tilled by Men or Hobbits, perfect for grazing herd animals.
Realms in Eriador[]
- Elves of Lindon
- Elves of Rivendell
- Elves of Eregion
- Brown-Elves
- Elves of the Wandering Companies
- Green-Elves
- Avari
- Sîrrandras
- Noldor
- Sindar
- Nandor
- Elves of Amon Lind
- Wood-elves of Númeriador
- Elves of the Emyn Beraid
- Elves of Nenuial
- Dwarves of the Blue Mountains
- Dourhands
- Dwarves of Dunland
- Broadbeams
- Longbeards
- Firebeards
- Ibûnites
- Dwarves of Gabilazan
- Dwarves of Smallforge
- Firebeards and Longbeards of Thror's Coomb
- Petty-dwarves
- Eriadorians:
- Eriadorian Commoners
- Bree-landers
- Angmarrim
- Ice-Walkers
- Moorlanders
- Men of Carn Dûm
- Nimwaith
- Men of the Iron Crown
- Gularan
- Men of the Tharbad Marshlands
- Gwathló Bargemen
- Sîredain
- Eglain
- Hillmen
- Hillmen of Rhudaur
- Hillmen of the Trollshaws
- Hillmen of the Coldfells
- Corcur
- Creoth
- Trev Duvardain
- Trev Gallorg
- Hill-folk of Evendim
- Amonedain (Hill-folk of Cardolan)
- Men of Carn Dûm
- Men of the Twilight Hills
- Eriadorian Northmen
- Cardolanian Northmen
- Faerdorrim
- Southern Eriadorians
- Men of the Barrow culture
- Hil Fferid
- Forodrim
- Brigands
- Caladirrim (Men of the Greenbank Steadings)
- Eriadorian Fisher-folk
- Eriadorian Tinker-Folk
- Men of Feotar
- Forest-folk of Minhiriath
- Men of Siragale
- Hulorm
- Red-Hill folk
- Rivermen of Númeriador and Baranduin
- Sarn-folk
- Valley-Folk
- Runedain
- Men of Fonntir
- Men of Bárr Nathair
- Men of Magur
- Rivermen of Lhûn
- Enedrim
- Fisher-folk of Henlan
- Men of North Shudderwater
- Men of the Cold Hills
- Brigaic
- Eriadain
- Men of the Ettenmoors
- Eriadorian Raggers
- Cardolan Hill-folk
- Dúnedain of the North:
- Daens;
- Hollin-Folk
- Dunmen
- Dunlendings
- Algraig
- Dunmen of Rhudaur
- Dunmen of Enedhwaith
- Dunmen of Cardolan
- Dunlendings
- Dynion
- Arvandor
- Daen Lintis
- Gaurdain
- Gwathuirim
- Branomaboi
- Mebden
- Dynion Ingnaut
- Drughu:
- Northrons:
- Eriadorian Northmen
- Cardolanian Northmen
- Vulvsagias
- Northmen of the Egladil
- Northmen of Arthedain
- Men of Pinnath Cerin
- Men of Feotar
- Estanrewas
- Men of the Misty Mountains
- Others:
- Harfoots
- Fallohides
- Stoors
- Bucklanders
- Hobbits of Bree
- Hobbits of the Shire
- Wild Hobbits
- Bounds-Folk
- Gammers
- Reedhaven Hobbits
- Pendles
- Wild Hobbits of the Nengaran Bogs
- Hoardale Hobbits)
- Northern Hobbits
- Orcs of the Forest Race
- Orcs of Angmar
- Deep-Orcs
- Mucklings
- Wild Orcs of Cardolan
- Orcs of Rhudaur
- Orcs of Arthedain
- Orcs of the White Hand
- Half-Orcs
- Goblins
- Gram-Goblins
- Goblins of the Blue-crag
- Wood-Goblins of the Old Forest
- Goblins of Goblin-town
- Gong-gramfra
- Gongi-lût
- Midgewater-Goblins
- Weather Hills-Goblins
- Isendale-goblins
- Moria Goblins
- Goblins of the Stonehold Tribe
- Orcs of the Mountains
- Orcs of the Snowreap Tribe
- Boggarts
- Bugans
- Uruks
- Orcs of Forochel
- Orcs of Cape Vorn
- Orcs of Ceb Durga
- Laenan-Orcs
- Barz Thrugrim
- Grishgúk
- Nâkhmau
- Shak-hai
- Ice-orcs
- Orcs of Gundabad
- Wights
- Phantoms
- Ghosts
- Spectres
- Skeletons
- Wraiths
- Ghouls
- Shades
- Darkwaters
- Cargûl
- Ta-Fa-Lisch
- Corpse-candles
- Feahini
- Hoiten
- River Fays
- Shadowfolk
- Neblins
- Tavari
- Great Eagles
- Spirits of Arda
- Nandini
- Merfolk
- Ents
- Huorns
- Mewlips
- Badger folk
- Kergrim
- Awakened Trees
- Gaunt-Men
Agaldor; Balasimur; Baragon; Baragud; Baragûr; Bârna I; Bârna II; Bêgor; Belgor; Benor; Beogrin; Bereg the Refuser; Bergund; Bern; Blogath; Bôrna; Bregor of Eriador; Carlesic the Wise; Crispin; Ethrog; Faqir; Gerse; Gothólin; Grishmoigh; Hama of Eriador; Hurn; Imarhîl; Naranatur; Silweth; Skrykalian; Ustokhîr; Tom Bombadil; Goldberry; Old Man Willow; Bilbo Baggins; Aragorn Elessar; Halbarad; Frodo Baggins; Samwise Gamgee; Meriadoc Brandybuck; Peregrin Took; Bill Ferny the Younger; Barliman Butterbur; Farmer Maggot; Golfimbul; Bandobras Bullroarer Took; Ruddyoak; Arathorn I; Arathorn II; Black Alder; Arvedui of Arthedain; Witch-king of Angmar; Lotho Sackville-Baggins; Agandaur; Bert; Tom; William; Beretar; Elrond Half-elven; Arwen; Glorfindel; Elladan; Elrohir; Isildur; Rogash; Dirhael of Taurdal; Elboron; Gilraen the Fair; Malbeth the Seer; Cirdan; Elegost of Rhudaur; Elendil; Mock the Trickster; Gilmith of Rhudaur; Otho Sackville-Baggins; Lobelia Sackville-Baggins; Harband
- Cult of the White Hand
- Gwarieg en-Angol
- Rangers of the North
- Tinkers
- Sharkey's Company
- Greenway Sentinels
- Breeland Company
- Witches of Angmar
- Bree-land Guard
- Bree-land Militia
- Bree-land Watch
- Blackwolds
- Waywatchers of the Bree-land
- Breeland Riders
- Mercenaries
- Eriadorian tribes and clans
- Numerous gangs of bandits, outlaws, robbers, thieves, thugs, ruffians, rogues, cutthroats, brigands, and highwaymen
- Remnants of Angmar
- Army of Angmar
- Army of the Coldfells
- The Warlord's Empire
- Nature-cult
- League of the Axe
- Woodcutter's Brotherhood
- Thorin's Hall
- Ale Association
- Wandering Companies
- Mathom Society
- Inn League
- Yonder-watch
- Dúnedain of Cardolan
- Eglain
- Rangers of Esteldin
- Council of the North
- Eldgang
- Stewards of the Iron-home
- Men of Dunland
- Théodred's Riders
- Algraig
- Men of Enedhwaith
- Grey Company
- Wardens of Annúminas
- Lossoth of Forochel
- Defenders of the Angle
- Elves of Rivendell
- Ananamartar
Important Settlements and Places of Note[]
Adandor Agand Allimir Althil Ambon Noirinyaron Amlolas Amon Dûn Amrelor Andrath Andrin Anglas Anglor Angoth Anghul Annithir Annon Baran Annúminas Arading Arduin Ardum Argond Arnach Arnaro Aspar Athilin Balost Bar Irlossiel Barad Garan Bareketta Barkil Bauruin Benglaras Bodroth Bondor Bree Bregnas Brildil Broig Bronnel Bucklebury Bywater Cromm Bráighe Cangul Caranthel Cargash Cargilin Carnach Carn-Dûm Carras Cathiel Ceria Cerin Balgrist Cithiel Cithrenor Cor Wilishar Crudu Daelmoth Denerond Dinach Dirdabor Dongril Dulaich Dúragar Edhelas Edras Endrist Endroth Envrifin Erenir Enerond Faelond Fanduin Fangoth Faranel Fennas Drúnin Filimer Firaen Fornost Forondir Frogmorton Galathlilval Gamwich Ganderch Geleborn Girail Girwing Greenfields Gundiok Gwaelin Gwahilmoth Hangireth Harbarist Harnost Heleb Helegnel Hellion Herwen Hobbiton Iant Baranduin Iant Methed Iarond Idoch Ilfin Imladris Kereic Kingscrag Kuska Laldír Larach Duhnnan Larad Lelmoth Litash Long Cleeve Maegoth Maenthiros Mathlor Metriath Mikilahul Minas Brethil Minas Eldanaryon Minas Girithlin Minas Hyarromenyaron Minas Malloth Minas Ongoth Mirion Misen Mistalonde Morkai Morva Tarth Nadior Nelval Nelvorin Nidada Nielros Nilenel Ningliras Nirmolian Nirthiach Nothros Orchelor Oromruin Phaluran Redhel Rynd Morva Tarth Seren Shedûn Soas Stonehall Stonehill Tarmabar Terellisce Formenyaron Thaendor Tharchel Tiramarth Rhovanduin Rildolach Sackville Talsir Telwaen Tharbad Thuin Boid Tuckborough Udandir Undrond Waymoot Wren
- Wiki
- Lord of the Rings Online
- War in the North
- Third Age: Total War: Divide and Conquer