The landmass of Emer
Emêr (Av. "Mother") was once a vast and fertile landmass lying south of Vog Mur, a tropical archipelago in the Inner Seas that separated Southernesse from Rhûn. In the ages before and immediately after the Downfall of Númenor, Emêr was a thriving region of diverse cultures, ancient trade routes, and mystical traditions, shaped by both the influence of the Elder Races and the early Mannish civilizations.
However, as the Fifth Age progressed, the landmass of Emêr began to fracture due to tectonic shifts, climatic upheavals, and the weakening of Arda’s foundations after the removal of Aman. Over millennia, what was once a contiguous landmass broke apart into thousands of islands, forming the Shattered Isles, a fragmented yet still vibrant realm of seafarers, traders, and isolated kingdoms.
Lands and Regions[]
At its height, Emêr was a land of dense rainforests, volcanic peaks, great rivers, and emerald seas, its coasts lined with natural harbors that made it a center of maritime activity. The region was rich in spices, rare metals, and exotic flora, drawing the interest of early Númenórean explorers, who marveled at its wealth but largely refrained from colonization due to the formidable resistance of its native peoples and the mysterious dangers lurking within its jungles.
Over time, as the land shattered, Emêr evolved into an archipelago of diverse islands—some large enough to sustain great cities, others mere atolls inhabited only by seabirds and wandering fisherfolk. Beneath Emêr stretched a system of Underdeeps which included the enclave Gethaena.
In ancient times Emêr had been settled by early mannish races, secretly supported by the College of Loremasters. These cultures included the Yintêni, Tarâni and Wôrim and later the Lân and Aldâri. After these early waves of settlers arrived the Anzêti, Yâderi, Yinêri, Kinsai, Kulûku, Lankâni, Nuyâni, Ôkhu, Quaidu, Sháy, Talath, Vayâri, Lydian and Y’nari. The aboriginal Thesian race was often believed to be a remnant of the otherwise extinct Yintêni.
Non-mannish inhabitants included Dwarves (Nômari, divided into four distinct tribes), Elves (Linaeri, Lôari, Dyari, Erlîni and Shulúri), Giants as well as Orc- and Troll-kind (including Garks, Krals, Lugroki, Murlogi, and Trôgli).
In a long-gone age Old Emêrian was a language which had united most of Emêr. Later, however, the language of tribal descendants of Sháyan became the new common tongue of Emêr.
Original form in Loremaster:Emer
Originally "Emer" is the greatest continent of Shadow World's Kulthea setting. If the Vog Mur setting shall be adapted to a Middle-Earth background, Emer is interpreted as a part of Southernesse (possibly the shattered tip, since the main parts of the continent is more akin to a giant horn. )
- Loremaster: The World of Vog Mur
- Emer Atlas II: Haestra & the History of the Emerian Empire by Terry K. Amthor:
- Rolemaster: Emer Atlas II by Terry K. Amthor
- Rolemaster:Haalkitaine and the Imperial Court of Rhakhaan by Terry K. Amthor