The original Imladrim (S: "Valley-people") were Noldorin refugees from Eregion who had been led to Rivendell by Elrond Half-elven and Celeborn the Wise. However, with the passing of years, Eriadorian Sindar and Nandor had settled the Valley surrounding the Last Homely House. As, with time passing, more of the Noldor left Rivendell for the Grey Havens and the Immortal Lands, the Nandor eventually became the largest group remaining, though the House itself still served as a temporary home for some Elves of the Wandering Companies.
Inhabitants of Imladris[]
T.A. 1640-1650: Aitharan Aiwe Andriel Aranto Arwen Undómiel Ascarnil of Rivendell Bellindiel Lomeloth Celebrian Celebring Coibor Dan Earwing Elladan Elrohir Elrond Half-elven Erestor of Rivendell Estelindo Nandeseron Gildor Inglorion Gillindir Glorfindel of the House of the Golden Flower Golradir Hilvanar Hithgol Íracáno Lindir the Benevolent Macar Mastáro-Olvar-Faroth Nardhol Níralissë Saelbeth of Rivendell Sairalóm Vilyasúle Silinde Vilyadhol
before T.A. 2106: Airalin Aitharan Aiwe Andriel Aranarth Aranto Arwen Undómiel Ascarnil of Rivendell Celebrian Celebring Celandur Coibor Dan Earwing Eirien Elladan Elrohir Elrond Half-elven Erestor of Rivendell Estelindo Nandeseron Gallind Galoranna Gildor Inglorion Gillindir Glorfindel of the House of the Golden Flower Golradir Hilvanar Hithgol Íracáno Lauriel Lindir the Benevolent Lothiel Macar Mastáro-Olvar-Faroth Nardhol Níralissë Ohta Rilwen Saelbeth Sairalóm Vilyasúle Silinde Vilyadhol
before T.A. 3007: Airalin Aitharan Aiwe Andriel Aranto Ascarnil of Rivendell Celebring Celandur Cirlos Coibor Dan Elladan Elrohir Elrond Half-elven Erestor of Rivendell Estelindo Nandeseron Gallind Galoranna Gildor Inglorion Gillindir Gilmith of Rhudaur Gilraen the Fair Glorfindel of the House of the Golden Flower Golradir Gondril Hilvanar Hithgol Íracáno Lauriel Lindir Lothiel Macar Nardhol Níralissë Ohtar Orladion Rilwen Saelbeth Sairalóm Vilyasúle Silinde Vilyadhol
T.A. 3018-3019: Aegnor of Rivendell Aegúrel Aitharan Aiwe Allan Threespot Anárin Andriel Angoleth Anhebir Aragorn Elessar Aranelleth Aranto Arndir Arwen Undómiel Ascarnil of Rivendell Asfaloth Atharovor Athils Bailinn Baradal Baragorn Half-elven Barbethnir Bellindiel Dúlothwen Berenin Bilbo Baggins Blossom Brockhouse Cachúnir Calenhen Carandrian Celandur Celeblas Celebring Celia Greenweed Cerebthos Coibor Dan Crisdúr Daerlaw Damgorn Deneldír Digloriel Dora Thatcher Dorban Dringlinn Dúrvenel Elladan Elladrien Elmo Brown Elrohir Elrond Half-elven Elweleth Elwen Erestor of Rivendell Estelindo Nandeseron Faillanc Failloth Faimir Filegnaneth Finduilas Peredhil Fingwen Forgamthan Galoranna Galuoneth Garathon Gildor Inglorion Gilfiniel Gillindir Gilraen the Fair Glavroliel Glorfindel of the House of the Golden Flower Glorielhen Glorielvir Glorinda Golhador Golradir Grafinn Gwathdal Gruinthír Gwingloth Haldúr Hammadelen Heribert Sandheaver Hilvanar Hithgol Hope Redfern Indis Ingwilendë Íracáno Laegbrannon Laerdan Lauriel Lindir Lothiel Macar Maendan Maladmil Malellam Margil Mallasil Mallenhadh Mastáro-Olvar-Faroth Miluidan Mirdoron Nardhol Nimros Níralissë Norien Ohta Ormbés Orodlin Pellisar Pethelen Raenfer Rhogorn Ringhul Rodgam Rohald Rombrennil Ruineth Saelbeth of Rivendell Sairalóm Vilyasúle Salabdúr Seredhiel Sidlinn Silinde Sogadan Súmë Tad Boffin Taidbes Till Bramble Tordúril Vilyadhol
Fourth Age: Elladan Elrohir Erestor of Rivendell Níralissë Sérëdhiel