The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Elosian was the mistress of Arkish, angmarian Commander of Barad Eldanar .Elosian was the daughter of a nobleman of Rhudaur and a sympathizer of the Dúnedain. She was slender, and had long golden curls and blue eyes. Unknown to the rest of the castle she was a dabbling magician. Elosian held Arkish in the palm of her hand (Arkish would deny this vehemently), but rarely meddled in politics. She was very popular in the castle, being soft-spoken, feminine, and apparently helpless. Elosian was always beautifully dressed and wore five hundred gold pieces worth of jewelry, gifts from Arkish. The jewelry was her hoard, one with which to start a new life. She would have left the castle at the first safe opportunity presenting itself.


  • MERP:Angmar:Land of the Witch King
  • MERP:Empire of the Witch King