Eldarion (Q. "Elf-scion"; W. "Nimired") (FO 1 - FO 220) was the second King of the Reunited Kingdom of Arnor and Gondor. The mortal (and only) son of King Elessar (Aragorn II) and Arwen, he came to the throne in the year FO 120 of the Fourth Age. Due to his Elven heritage and perhaps his status as a royal child, he was rumored to remain physically youthful, almost adolescent in face, for much of his life.
The following Items were handed down as personal heirlooms of the Kings of the Reunited Kingdom after Aragorn's death. Andúril however was laid down in Aragorn's hands on his grave and was not used in battle again. Eldarion would forge many of his own swords, rich and elegant in design, but little is recorded of them.
- boots
- Cloak of Valacirya (N)
- Crown of the Reunited Kingdoms — (mithril inlaid with gold). Receptacle for the Star of Elendil to be set in the brow.
- the Evenstar
- Golden Girdle of Lothlórien
- Helm of House Andúnië — A Númenórean war-helm of the High Helmet design, a stylized high dome with two applied wings of Sea-birds. This was the Helm of Elendil and the original crown of Gondor.
- longbow
- Mithril Mail — black Ithilnaur chainmail.
- pauldrons
- Ring of Barahir — Ring of Dragon-warding.
- Enruned Scabbard of Lothlórien
- Star of Elendil — (S. "Elendilmir"): Jewel presented to Aragorn by Galadriel in T.A. 3019.
- Green Stone of Galadriel
- tunic
- vest of leather
- War Helm — High Helmet of gold inlaid with mithril. It serves as a receptacle for the Star of Elendil (which sat in the brow).
- White Mantle
In MERP, Eldarion is born in FO 43, with Beretar serving as heir presumptive of Elessar until his birth. However, later writings of Tolkien give a precise birthdate of FO 1 for Eldarion, the only specific date from full canon.
- The Nature of Middle-earth