Echad Dagoras (S."Dagoras' Camp") was an old elven ruin south of Eregion, some sixty miles southeast of Ost-in-Edhil.The Rangers of the North often used it as a temporary camp as the place was shunned by the local Dunlendings who called the place Dinas Yddryst (Du.:"Yddryst's fortress" or "Fort of the Grain-riot"?) or Dol Du (Du."Dark toll").
Original forms:
- Dun Udrost = Dinas Yddryst
- Nol Laub = Dol Du
the MERP map shows a tower vaguely in this location but does not name it.
Some MERP 3rd party sources label the tower as "Dun Udrost" or "Nol Laub".