The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Course of the East-West Road

The East-West Road (S. “Andven Rhúnen”; Q. “Men(atar) Rómen”; also: Great East Road, Great Road, Old Road) was an important highway, sometimes paved, leading from the Grey Havens in Lindon through the Shire to Bree, Weathertop, Rivendell, and the High Pass over the Misty Mountains. Sections of the East-West Road bore names of their own: for example the roadway from Bywater to Little Delving was known as the Bywater Road. The Great East Road as it led eastwards from the Shire was simply known as the East Road. The Dúnedain knew the Great East Road, as it cut the realm of Arnor in half, as the East-West Road. The East-West Road itself was also considered just a part of the greater Men-i-Naugrim.

