The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives
Odin, Lodur, Hoenir skabe Ask og Embla by Frølich

Earthlings were a category of being made from the substance of Arda herself.They included Wood-giants, Stone Giants, Dwarves and pygmies and possibly mermaids.



"Earthlings" seems to imply sentient beings different from the Elves and men, the Eruhini.As dwarves were "adopted children" of Illuvatar and Ents were also "Hnau", who had been given souls by him, it seems likely that also the other types of Earthlings were given souls and possibly shared a similar status as "adopted children of Eru", though their exact origins remain clouded.However his Wood-giants or "Ulbandi" were not identical with the later Ents as "Ulban" refers to a crooked and deformed creature.
