The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Earnil I, the son of Tarciryan and nephew of the childless King Tarannon Falastur (T.A. 830- 913), was the second Ship-king of Gondor. A great Dúnadan Lord, he ruled as the South Kingdom's thirteenth monarch (T.A. 913-36). The most notable of his many achievements was the rebuilding of Pelargir, although many contend that his victory over the Black Númenóreans of Umbar ranked as a greater feat. Eärnil's army entered the city of Umbar in T.A. 933, but he had little time to consolidate his conquest. Only three years later, in a storm off the Harad coast, his ship foundered and he perished in the raging sea.

Principle Items[]

The following items were the hereditary possessions of the Kings of Gondor. All of them except the "Helm of Elendil" were lost when King Eärnur disappeared in TA. 2050.

  • Crown-helm of Gondor — (Helm of Atanatar): white (mithril alloy) helmet of High Helmet design, shaped like a high, pointed dome applied with jewels.
  • Helm of House Andúnië — A Númenórean war-helm of the High Helmet design, a stylized high dome with two applied wings of Sea-birds. This was the Helm of Elendil, and the original crown of Gondor.
  • Mace — (Mace of Anárion): mithril-inlaid eog Holy Mace topped with an inset aquamarine. The gem glowed upon wielder's mental command and, depending on the level of concentration, could emit a bright beam that shone afar. The mace was a originally a slaying-weapon when used against Sea-drakes, Kraken, or Fell-turtles, and was used as the sceptre of Gondor.
  • Shield — (Shield of Anarion): gold-and silver-inlaid black ithilnaur shield. Set atop the black metal field, the silver inlay formed the symbol of Gondor: the White Tree and the Seven Stars.


  • MERP: The Mannish Races
  • MERP: Umbar - Haven of the Corsairs