Eärendil the Mariner
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Originally: Gondolin later: Havens of Sirion
Time Period
F.A. 503 - ca. 587 (supposed Apotheosis)
Elros Tar-Minyatur; Elrond Half-elven
(N) = non-canon
Eärendil the Mariner (Q. "Sea-lover") was the son of Tuor Eladar and Idril Celebrindal (daughter of Turgon the Wise)
escaped the sack of Gondolin to marry Elwing (daughter
of Dior Eluchíl, who was the son of Beren Erchamion and Lúthien Tinúviel). With the
aid of one of the Silmarils given to him by Elwing, he
sailed to Aman to plead with the Valar for aid against
Morgoth. Manwe found sympathy, and gathered the
Ainur for a last march into Endor to cast down the Black Enemy. In the end, Earendil was sentenced to forever ride
in a great ship across the sky, the Silmaril bound on his
brow. For the War of Wrath he came down to do battle
with the Dragons of Thangorodrim and slew Ancalagon,
lord of the Winged Drakes. His line continued in the
persons of Elrond Half-elven and Elros Tar-Minyatur.
Unsung errantries[]

Eärendil's Voyage
The full extend of Eärendil's voyages remains unsung of.The Elves of the Cottage of Lost Play knew some fragmented traditions according to which Eärendil and Voronwë had at first been driven south into the Dark regions and towards the Fire mountains, they were said to have encountered Tree-men, Pygmies and the Sarqindi, a tribe of cannibal-Ogres, after this they finally were driven west and Eärendil was said to have encountered and fought Ungolianth after which they came to the Magic Isles and the Twilit Isle.It was said they found Tirion empty and Eärendil read tales and prophecies in the waters and was driven eastwards to find the deserts and red palaces where the sun dwelt before they returned to Beleriand where they, shipwrecked but saved by the Oarni ,who loved Eärendil ,visited the ruins of Gondolin and found the Edain dwelling miserably as refugees in camps near the Sirion and the Feänorians still hunting for the Silmarils.After this they went for a second journey into the west to find Tol Eresseä where Eärendil learned of the sinking of Elwing and the Nauglamir.They also discovered the Icelands and the Greenland.After leaving and briefly dwelling on the isle of Seabirds , north of the Falasquil where he hoped to find Elwing transformed into a bird, but after three years he decided to sail to the Halls of Mandos to find his father Tuor.Eventually they were drawn to the Ekkaia and sailed the celestial ocean, the firmament where they were chased by Tilion. Escaping though the Door of Night he finally found Elwing at the Faring north.Stranded by the jealous Ossë they were saved by Ulmo who then instructed them to return to Tirion where the Veil of Valmar was lifted and Eärendil witnessed the host and fleet of the west gathering.Eärendil's Voyages took about eight years.
Later fate[]
After the War of Wrath and the drowning of Beleriand, Eärendil solely continued to travel the sky-ocean of Nur-menel on his flying ship Vingilote. When Littleheart saw their ship he awakened the Sleeper in the Tower of Pearl on Tol Withernon with his Gong, Tombo.
- fairest of all Men
- tall
- grey-blue eyes
- golden-blond hair
- Arrows of ebony
- Bow of dragon-horn
- Diadem of the Silmaril
- elven-white clothes
- Emerald of the Mariner
- Golden Harp
- Scabbard of chalcedony
- Shining Runeshield with the symbol of the wing
- Skyship of Earendil
- Silver habergeon
- Sword of Steel
- tall adamant Helmet with an eagle-plume crest
- Aerendil
- Aerennel
- Aradamir
- Ardamírë (mother-name)
- Aurvandil
- Earendel
- Erentil
- Azrubêl
- Gaerdil
- Gaerdilion
- Gaerennil
- Gil-Estel
- Horvendill
- Orentil