Dwarves usually did not build ships or boats and did not enjoy traveling on water, but sometimes the need to do so overruled their bias and especially some of the eastern dwarves, if needed, proved to be quite able boatbuilders, though they mostly built only broad and sturdy rivercraft (Kh."Mubrûlgâz"), to transport great loads of goods , provisions and in times of war also troops.
These crafts had rows and retrievable sails, but the dwarves were so secretive about their ships interiors that some suspected these vessely to be driven by more than just wind and strength of muscle and believed them to have some hidden machinery deep inside.
Dwarven ships built by the Zhélruka appear in LOTRO.Apparently they must have built these downriver on the Anduin in southern Rhovanion and used them to supply Dúrin son sof Thórin's reconquest of Gundabad during the War of the three peaks.