Second son of Fundin, Dwálin was born in T.A. 2772 and was one of few Dwarves who formed part of Thorin and Company to live into the Fourth Age. After the cleansing of Erebor, Dwálin settled there.
Dwálin was the younger brother of Balin and came from a noble family of Erebor. He saw himself as Thorin's protector and was often impatient and constantly distrustful of outsiders and strangers. He was rugged, being a true outdoorsman, professional Warrior, and had a remarkeable constitution (indeed he lived a legendary lifespan of 340 years, which was exceptional even among dwarves). His name meant the Dawdler.
- beard-comb
- Dwarven boots
- Dwarven dagger
- Dwarven knife
- furred cloak
- goatskin
- golden belt
- Grasper (kh."Ukhlat") and Keeper (kh."Umraz"), dwarven throwing axes
- Great Hammer
- dark-green hood
- knuckle-dusters
- leather baldric
- leather pouch
- little casket
- pipe
- silver earring
- utility knife
- viol
- Dwarven Great Axe of Erebor
- Plated Chainmail of Erebor
- Dwarven Throwing axes of Erebor
- MERP: Lords of Middle-earth Vol III: Hobbits, Dwarves, Ents, Orcs & Trolls