Dushloki (Éo."Wiccaleikas", S."Gûldaenath") were once mortal men, often powerful Magicians, however on their quest to prolong their life or cheat death they had begun to abuse Necromancy and either accidently or by choice anchored their soul to the matter of Arda. As a result their bodies died and decayed, but their Souls remained bound within.
Dushloki were rare, and apart from true Ghosts and Wraiths among the only type of Undead who actually still had Souls and thus were sentient. However the Dark Lord yet still sometimes chose to create Dushloki to ensnare mannish rulers or mortals he found useful for his cause. Within the Cult of the Eye it was seen as a great award and blessing to be "gifted with immortality".
Often it was their heart which had been magically sealed away which acted as their soul's anchor to the material world. With the continuing decay of their bodies they would eventually become full Ghosts or Wraiths, if they did not find a new body to possess which then again would serve as a temporary home until fully decayed. If the artifact in which their soul-essence was sealed away was found and destroyed the soul could be freed and the Dushlok would finally die.
Types of Gûldaen[]
- Black Paladins (BS."Murfaushûli",Q."Morturionduri") - former Servants of the Palace or High Knights, these usually did not become Dushloki through their own power but were turned into such by their former Lord or master to serve him in the afterlife.
- Dark Lords (BS.:"Murshakhi", S."Brennyn Dúath") - like the Paladins these usually did not become Dushloki out of their own device, rather they had been former Lords who had sought the help of Dark Sorcerers who performed the Dushlok-rite upon them with the promise to prolong their lifes.
- Dread Soldiers (BS."Drúshatari",S."Goedaugath") - like the Paladins these usually had been loyal Soldiers of Lords who were made Dushloki to serve their Masters for eternity.
- Elder Liches (BS."Nurluloki",S."Gûldaenath Iaurath") - these usually were Wise men, Sorcerers, who had been made into Dushloki to preserve ancient knowledge.
- Grey Nobles (BS."Murghúri",S."Arphenath Mithren") - like the Dark Lords these had been Noblemen who strove for eternal life, only lesser in power and often subject to a Dark Lord.
- Monastic Liches (BS."Hinorloki",S."Gûlgymydryn") - this type of Dushlok had been priests or monastics in their mortal life.
- Skeletal Jokers (BS."Shalzagrúki",S."Hûnfôfath") - this type of Dushlok was usually created to humiliate a former adversary even after death, turning him into an undead slave forced to play the court-fool for a Dark Lord or grey Noble.
Original name: Lich
Dushloki actually are just generic "Liches", however they are not by any means more powerful or stronger than they were in life.Their decaying bodies are frail like common skeletons, mummies, walking corpses or whatever actual form they take.It is the evil spirit who dwells within the dead body that is the most sincere danger.