Dunland (S."Dor Wathui"; Du."Dunnuern") was a wild region in Eastern Enedhwaith. It was the homeland of savage tribes of Wild Men known as the Dunlendings, descendants of the Dunmen and earlier Gwathuirim of Enedhwaith.
Dunland in TA 3018-3019[]

Dunland ca. T.A. 3018-3019:
- Political Organization: Tribal Chiefdoms, divided into nine major clans: the Arth-Lûth, Avanc-Lûth, Bleid-Lûth, Brân-Lûth, Caru-Lûth, Draig-Lûth, Hebog-Lûth, Turch-Lûth, and Uch-Lûth.
- Rulers: Thrydan Wolfbane; Wulf of Westmarch; Yagthak; several lesser Brenhins.
- Administrative Organization: Nine hereditary and merit-based chiefdoms; all lesser offices appointed; tribal lands held in common.
- Population: 500,000 Dunlendings; 40 Hill-giants in 3 clans; 300 Firebeard and Longbeard Dwarves; 25 Elves.
- Military: Each Chief kept from 100-400 Warriors as a permanent retinue. All in all the Clans could raise a host of 5,000 Warriors. Tribes favored light armor (Kurbul or linen) and carried pole arms (various very long Guisarmes) and melee weapons such as Cleddyfs and Bueylls; 430 Drúedain warriors of the Breffrindiau served as allies of the Dynion Ingnaut; 30 Longbeard Dwarven Warriors, 40 Firebeards.
- Products: Wool, Skins, Timber, Meat.
- Symbol: A Craban.
Regions and Rivers[]

3019 TA: Angren Bonevales Carreglyn Cilstrem Cursed Forest Dunbog Dunstrem Fordirith Glanduin Gloomglens Gravenwood Grim Foothills Highland Fells Hills of Dunland Hithaeglir Foothills Hithaeglir Stream Lich Bluffs Mournshaws Nan Laeglin Nin-in-Eilph Northern Dunland Plains of Enedwaith Pren Gwydh Raven Country Starkmoor Tâl Methedras Thrór's Coomb Trum Dreng Windfells
Settlements and Places of Note[]
TA 2950 - 3019 Amon Mîn Araniant Avardin Barnavon Barnavon Mine Beogrin's Stronghold Black Dens Bone Quarry Brôntrig Byrig Cartrev Hamon Cartrev Maru Cave Barrow Crug Cadelhin Cuvnerth Dire Hollow Dol Baran Druwaur Duneard Dunland Battlefield Echad Daervunn Echad Dagoras Echad Idhrenfair Echad Naeglanc Echad Saeradan Forthbrond Frecasburg Galtrev Gavar Cadlus Ghost-Caves Gindabaz Gineard Grey King's Lair Grimbold's Camp Gwâl Draig Hall of the Huntsman Hallowed Circle Hariaryn Harndirion Hen Turrau Hill Barrow The Jailor's Quarters Lair of Turukulon Lhan Rhos Lhan Tarren Lhanuch Lhe Colvarn Lhe Lhechu Maur Tulhau Munuv Dûv Ravine Nár's Peak Ost Dunhoth Pluvun Gwern Pruv Cadlus Raendoc Raven Chief's Camp Raven Village Raven War-camp Riddle Caves River-watch Rohirrim Scout-camp Skud Carchar Stone Barrow Talach Boghain Tâl Methedras Trac-plas Tulach Boghain Uch Cadlus Under-deeps Wularan Zudrugund
Dwarves: Firebeards and Longbeards of Thrór's Coomb; Dwarves of Dunland
- Breffrin
- Dunlendings
- Algraig
- Arth-Lûth
- Avanc-Lûth
- Blaid-Lûth
- Brân-Lûth
- Caru-Lûth
- Derudh
- Dievlig
- Draig-Lûth
- Hebog-Lûth
- Turch-Lûth
- Uch-Lûth
- Men of the Misty Mountains
- Mountainmen of the Ered Nimrais
Orcs: Barz Thrugrim; Grishgúk; Isendale-goblins; Nâkhmau; Shak-hai; Thrak-burzum;
Trolls: Cave-trolls; Forest-trolls; Hill-trolls; Stone-trolls
TA 2750: Freca the Fat; Wulf son of Freca
TA 2950: Bradan of Dunland; Culmaud; Deallus; Doeth; Einion Lawspeaker; Eryrban; Euog; Gureiddrhi of Carreglyn; Iago the Huntsman; Peath; Perchen; Selyf Huon; Sibroch of the Algraig; Tanguistel; Ungust of Lhanuch
TA 3010-3019: Men: Acca; Almedha; Ambras; Aneira; Anurin; Argel; Bain; Balafren; Bervun; Betrus; Bledhun; Blodwen; Bowen; Braigiar; Bron; Burlag; Cada; Cadelh; Cadugan; Cai; Camrynn; Caron; Carus; Celi; Celun; Ceri; Daf; Déin; Dilwun; Doeth; Dúach; Edar; Edhow; Edrud; Eiluned; Elain; Eres; Euog; Franis; Freca Croyu; Galvin; Gálwa; Gemma; Geth; Gethen; Glundur; Grigor; Grumhal; Gun Ain; Guto; Gwilum; Gwin; Hadun; Harri; Haul; Hav; Hywelaedd; Iestin; Ilar; Inir; Ithel; Ivor; Kai; Kedivor; Lhucu; Lhur; Lod; Luarch; Lun; Lunwen; Mair; Matho; Maugan; Melvun; Morrigan; Mostun; Murig; Naeglanc; Nesta; Nia; Nye; Oldenad; Parru; Rhonwen; Riagán; Rurik the Red King; Sargulk; Séarl; Shona; Siam; Sonnagh; Tafin; Tecwin; Tetnak; Thrydan Wolfbane; Trehéarn Brenin; Trev; Unnell; Usbail; Vevinn; Wilim; Win; Wulf II; Wunvord; Yago;
4th Age: Burlag
Avhail; Eorna; Feduilas; Gort; Kirtir; Phacalus; Tartella
Brambles; Broadleaf trees; Cattails; Lily pads; Low scrub brushes; Reeds; Short grass
- Birds: Bitterns; Chamber Birds; Cranes; Crebain; Hebog; Jatewoone;
- Eagles: Golden Eagles; Great Eagles; Vereut Eagles;
- Falcons: Goshawks
- Owls: Barn-Owls
- Cloven-hoofed animals: Bovines; Calluks; Wild Boars; Wild Kine
- Deer: Astabanhe (Pronghorns); Cam; Fiara
- Goats: Druggavar; Mountain Goats; Wild Goats
- Horned sheep: Gorali; Mountain sheep
- Fish: Sarnumeni
- Predators: Foxes; Glutani
- Bears: Black Bears; Blue Bears; Brown Bears; Cave-bears
- Cats: Highland Lynx; Madratines; Snow Leopards; Wildcats
- Dogs: Dunmen's Dogs
- Wolves: Grey Wolves (Moctire); Vicious Wolves; Wargs
- Serpents: Coireal; Highland Nathair; Nathair; Nathrach; Giant Serpent; Slign
- Smaller animal life: Beavers; Gophers; Muskrats; Rabbits; Raccoons; Giant Rats; Rock Hydrax; Squirrels
Other: Afanc; Bees; Hornets; Hurnkennec; Kraken; Mendaen; Mensharag; Giant Spiders; Spirits of the Wild; Watcher in Stone
- Bats: Cavern Wings; Giant Vampire Bats
- Dragons: Cave Worms; Cold Drakes; Gwibers; Ice-Drakes
- Lizards: Gorbet; Great Lizards
- Undead: Ghouls; Skeletons; Specters
The indigenous name of Dunland is given as Dunfearan in MERP. Dunfearan seems to be derived from Gaelic dun ("fortified place, fortress") and fearann ("field, land"). Since later versions used Welsh instead of Gaelic to represent Dunael, a different etymology could be guessed, for example din (Welsh: "hill-fort") or dwnn (Welsh: "dark, brown") and (g)wern (Welsh: "small farms, land") or fearn or fierne (Cumbrian: "ferny place").
- MERP Fan Modules: Tales of the Westmarch (taleswestmarch.pdf)
- MERP: Campaign and Adventure Guidebook
- MERP: Dunland and the Southern Misty Mountains
- MERP: Ghost Warriors
- MERP: Isengard and Northern Gondor
- MERP: Middle Earth Campaign Guide
- MERP: Palantir Quest
- LOTRO: The Rise of Isengard