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Dorwinion (S. "Land of Youth" or "Land of Wine"), known as Vinland (among the Northmen), Folyavuld (circa TA 1640), or later Rouavald (after the Balchoth rule).


The history of Dorwinion has always been shrouded in mystery. During the First Age, many men who fled from the First Temple settled the empty lands between the Iron Hills, the Greenwood, and the Inland Sea. They formed clans and lived here ever watchful for the enemies who drove them away.One such clan, on the Rhûnaers western shores was closely akin to the ancestors of the Marachians, another Clan on the eastern shores was related to the Beorians.Men akin to the ancestors of the Halethrim had settled in the Brown Lands and later wandered into the riverine vales between the Eastern Hills and the Great Greenwood.

Sometime between the ending of the First Age or possibly into the early Second Age, the Entwives came and created the Garden's of the Entwives. Lured by the abundance of food, growth, and beauty, the men began to learn how to cultivate the land and grow crops. They honored these "Earth-maidens" and even some ancestors of the Halflings came to learn their ways.

The Gardens grew into a resourceful region — so much so, that it caught the ire of Sauron who sent armies to destroy the Gardens. Once this was done, the Entwives were lost and the Dorwinrims ancestors retreated.

After the War of the Last Alliance and the defeat of Sauron, many of these men returned to the region, living off of what they learned from the Entwives and staying close to the rivers for sustenance.

Gondor eventually took over and held this region under their rule, but eventually they gave this realm to their Northman allies.

In the T.A. 1200s, Vidugavia united the tribes of Aivathiuda and Gramas. Vidugavia, a descendant of men who had learned from the Entwives, was given the province Dorwinion and other near lands between the east bight and the Uvanwaith as a reward for defeating an Easterling incursion. He then established and ruled the Kingdom of Rhovanion. Vidugavia would rule for many years and fathered four children in total: Vidumavi,  VidureikVidung, and Vidumarh. Each of these children would go on to expand the lines of Gondor, Rhovanion, Rohan, and Dale respectively. Dorwinion was established after finding the agricultural works of the elusive Entwives. The Blue Wizards, Saruman, and Vidumarh managed to recreate and grow what the Entwives had left behind in the Rhun Forest — and based on the Entwives teachings, the Kingdoms eastern river vales became a lush and prosperous land that the Gondorian's and Kingdom of Rhovanion named "Dorwinion".

After the Wainrider Wars in T.A. 1856 at the Battle of the Plains, in which Vidung's descendant Marhari took part, the Wainriders took over the Kingdom of Rhovanion, including Dorwinion and using the Dorwinrim as slaves, while some escaped into Greenwood and joined the Northron Outlaws. Marhwini personally led one large trek of refugees to the west and thus created the Éothéod.

Dorwinion Castk

As time went on, Calimehtar's and Marhwini's eventually gained victory over the Wainriders . Many of the enslaved Dorwinrim rose up and fought against their oppressors as well but much of the Kingdom of Rhovanion remained lost. After Marhwini's victory the people he commanded returned to the Anduin Vales but would never return to the Kingdom of Rhovanion again.

Those that survived and hid in the woods, namely the descendant of Vidumavi, eventually established a Kingdom of their own and enjoyed relative peace until T.A. 1944 when an alliance of Wainriders, Haradrim, and warriors from Khand marched against Gondor, Éotheod, and Rhovanion. Eventually the Free Peoples were victorious against the Men of Darkness and in the Battle of the Camp, the forces of darkness were crushed.

Sometime during T.A. 2004-2129, Gilmith was betrothed to the Dorwinian King and elvish blood would enter the line of Vidugavia's descendants, though she would ultimately choose a mortal life.The realm of Dorwinion would continue to enjoy peace for hundreds of years, but in T.A. 2510, Rhûn struck again, this time the Balchoth came and overran much of Wilderland.Almost all of eastern Rhovanion was taken over and sacked by the Balchoth who took formed a mighty realm east and south of Mirkwood, holding Dorwinion as well. They largely abandoned their nomadic life in great Wains and took ober most former settlements - the last remants of the old Kingdom of Rhovanion were utterly destroyed. Those that lived fled to Eorl the Young, accepted to live as thralls or returned to insecure nomadic live on the border marches or more remote and savage parts of the Balchoth-lands . Eventually Eorl was crowned King of Rohan after helping Gondor defeat the Balchoth but in T.A. 2545, Eorl would lose his life in battle.

After remaining hidden for some time, Broddi Geiriarn, descendant of Vidugavia and Gilmith, built the city of Dale around T.A. 2590, during this time, Dale prospered and grew under the influence of the Dwarves of Erebor. Both kingdoms being built by outcasts,agreed to barter and help one another.

With trade going quite well by T.A. 2690, the Dorwinrim Thrall-folk reclaimed their ancient homeland.Remnants of the Easterling oppressors were quickly enslaved or put to the sword. This was the time of Bladorthin's father, and in T.A. 2716, Bladorthin is born.

Bladorthin would remain king until T.A. 2806, and the refounded Kingdom Dorwinion would prosper for many years to come. Many new fortresses and garrisons were establshed around or near to keep the land of Dorwinion safe rrom new intruders.

By TA 2941 Dorwinion traded with Kingdoms in Wilderland, such as the Woodland Realm. The special wine of Thranduil came from that place in crates. The Elves of Mirkwood returned these crates by way of the Forest River to Esgaroth on the Long Lake.

By TA 3019, Dorwinion still existed, despite some political upheaval. The Kingdom, being made up of both Northmen and Easterlings,was in open discord and undecided in whose side it should take. Some argued that allying with Sauron was the only way to survive, while others preferred an alliance with the free peoples to ensure that they remained free.


Western Dorwinion


Elves: Kedin Melin


TA. 1000: Dailhailia Ciryayar Frumigais of House Ciryayar Gaerandil Ciryayar Gulthawini Frik Hairafarana Ciryayar Duvorn Murlâm of Minas Falath Noldatan Tar Balan
TA 1650:Anthar of Ardavan Arcatia Koldana Gaerendil Frik Gulthawini Nivi-Frik Yulya Marcatio Ollonis Valgavia Rogatha Valla Giordia
TA 2750: Bladorthin the Great
TA 2941: Bolan Ceribor Cerinor Fablor Hengon Herubor Jadan Loki Maltor Teja Tidor
TA 2950:Annea of Dorwinion Bladorthin Koldana Diantiashar Harlan Diantisos Hawin Taron
TA 3019: Caerlinc the Ranger Dasron Diantithar Galva Gergeli Gorovod of Medlóshad Layos

Other: Fala Great Shaker Slaga


Men: Bairgathiuda; Easterners; Donath; Dorwinrim; Eneth; Ebnathiuda; Kugath; Riverrats; Westerners

Elves: Avari (Penni)


Aldena Toron; Anthar Keep; Ardavan; Brilthen; Caradsurga; Caras-Sant; Daranel Toron; Délút; Durst; Far Bank; Forodim; Galgorin; Gyagasorag sanctuary; Haradruin; Ilanin; Kardavan; Karfas; Karvod; Kelepar; Kilindrow; Konungsborg; Kravod; Krulla's farm; Lar-Sagra; Larisa Toron; Marhungibaurg; Marakai; Padvan; Rathmere; Riavod; Sadvar; Sant-Annui; Scarakikot; Shrel-kain; Sorna; Tundera Var; Uldonavan; Vadran; Vadvan; Vinter-Court; Wintirion Iaur;


Ardruiga vale; Arkran Forest; Deneral; Dobok Broen; Dobok Rhín; Donu vale; Drialsan Forest; Durannon Wood; Nabal Mayzri; Parta Rokantha; Pinnon Rhun; Red Hills; Sorna vale; Uldona vale

See also[]


Some characters were imported from LOTRO and fanfic by an unidentified author

Original forms: Anna → Annea Bródda → Broddi Geirjarn → Geiriarn Joshua → Diantishar Dionysios → Diantisos


  • Settlements in Rhovanion by Thomas Morwinsky, Other Minds #15
  • MERP Fan Modules: The Inland Sea, by Mike Campbell, Luke Potter, and Justin Morgan-Davies
  • MERP #8110: Perils on the Sea of Rhûn
  • MERP #8114: River Running