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The New Notion Club Archives

Fief of Dol Caladir

The wealthiest of the Cardolandren principalities, Dol Caladir (S."Hill of the light-Watcher"; Q."Ambon Calatirmo") was founded in the 27th century of the Second Age—in the aftermath of the second round of Eriadoran Wars. It comprised much of the best land of the Gwathló basin downstream from Tharbad. The Dúnadan family that founded the principality originally dwelt in an old hilltop fortress near Balost, over a hundred miles from Tharbad. In the early days of the kingdom of Arnor, they moved closer to the city to be near their business interests—their absence giving the peasants yet another grievance. Peasant resentment of their lord's distance became a rallying cry when Caladirrim mismanagement led the oppressed towards yet another riot or revolt. The later family keep, the Argond, was a half-day's ride from Tharbad. It was home to the last surviving member of the family, Finduilas III. None of the Dúnadan families of Cardolan survived the 17th century. The core of the lands of Dol Caladir, after repeated invasions by the clansmen of Saerlann and the Orcs of Creb Durga, fell to a series of petty rulers and long suffer oppression and misery. Some of the villages joined the Cantons of Feotar in the 23rd century and retained a few square miles of the north and south banks of the Gwathló through the Orc invasions of the 27th century. When the King returned in the early Fourth Age, these "Greenbanks Steadings" or "Little Caladir" comprised the largest single population of Eriadorans in the Northland; they provided the labor for the rebuilding of Tharbad and the settlers for several new Telcontari colonies.


Finduilas I Finduilas II Finduilas III


Original Form: Dol Calentir (Corrected to Dol Caladir)


  • MERP:Arnor