Derwhad (Du."Oakseed";originally:Derngwath, S."Hard Shadow"; Éo."Hardscadu"), the largest town in Westmarch, had been in existence long before Tilmentirith was built. Originally it was a Daen Coentis village in place long before the Dúnedain sailed from Númenor to settle the coastlines. Since then the Dúnedain had slowly moved in and resettled the area in the void left by the dwindling Daen. Derwhad was the primary trade and agricultural center for the region. It had several mills and a very active marketplace. The plague had caused the city to lose several key craftsmen, some of these had been replaced, but it still felt the effects of the vacancies at times. Derwath was a peaceful community of hardworking people that rarely experienced trouble. In general the poorer section of the town was the northern portions and the town became progressively nicer as one traveled south through town. This was primarily because the migrant worker population lived in a shanty town on the north side of town. The town was scattered with parks and courtyards that were tended by the town gardener. The large courtyard in the center of town was the main gathering point of the town and also served as the large open market for farmers and craftsmen from nearby. The reservoir to the east of town was fed by springs. Runoff escaped to flow to the Adorn.
Under Rohirric rule the town became briefly known as Hardscadu but was plundered and burned down several times by both, revolting Dunlendings and rohirric reconquerers until it was rebuilt, fortified and became known as Sutfolcham (Éo."Southern folk home").
- Original form in MERP:Derwath = Derngwath = Dernwath = Derwhad
It is most likely "Derwath" represents an indigenous form, possibly untranslated Dunael.
- Original form in "Milicianos Druwaith Iaur Primera Parte" :Sutfolch = Sutfolc = Sutfolcham
- Randell Doty:Tales of the Westmarch