The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Demon whales or Ascarraugath (Li."Red-Water Demons") were huge, carnivorous white or gray creatures that lived in the Ice Bay of Forochel. Their five-inch teeth could tear steel, and they thought it no problem to swallow a man whole (and, in spite of old tales, it was unlikely that a man would survive long in the roiling acids of the demon whale's stomach). They often shattered whale boats or overturned larger vessels.

Detailed Description[]

Demon whales were bloated monstrosities that haunted the Bay of Forochel and the Helkëar, usually seeking other whales as prey (though they were not adverse to attacking whalers). The demon whale generally fed in fits and started, gorging itself for a week or two, then remaining uninterested in food for months at a time. Unfortunately for whalers, demon whales did not all keep to the same feeding schedule. So, while one whale may have been be disinterested in the passing ships, another may have been ravenously ripping the sides off a whaler in an attempt to devour it's whale-meat and crew.


  • Retrieved from [Realms of Arda]; original reference: [ICE MERP 2025],[ICE MERP 2012]