Demon of Morgoth
A Demon (Q."Rauko"; pl. "Raukar"; S.: "Raug" or "Rog"; pl. "Ryg") was an evil Spirit, generally a Maia who had been corrupted by the Black Enemy, a destructive Spirit of Arda, or their incarnate offspring (Maiarindi).
Tied to a hideous Fana (Q. "Veil"; "Radiant Figure") that manifested the theme or element they originally represented, a Demon could almost never assume a fair-seeming form. Their body, though, was critical to their existence in Middle-earth. However, if an Ainu became accustomed to a form and existence within Arda they could become tied to a distinct shape and their Fána became incarnated as a hröa ("Body").
Although the Demons were of diverse appearance, often even unique forms, most of them had a dark shadowy aura similar to dark mist or "Unlight" (for example the Balrog of Moria).
Demons of Renown[]
Demons of the Legendarium[]
- Boldog
- Balcmeg
- Caradhras
- Carcharoth
- Dark Hunter
- Draugluin
- Dúrin´s Bane
- Fankil Gaurin
- Gorgol the Butcher
- Gothmog
- Kuruki
- Langon
- Lug
- Lungorthin
- Miaulë
- Morgoth
- Ogrod
- Oikeroi
- Old man willow
- Orcobal
- Othrod
- Sauron
- Shelob
- Tevildo
- Thuringwethil
- Ulbandi
- Umuiyan
- Ungolianth
- Watcher in the Water
Demons mentioned in secondary works[]
- Airatano
- Aûr
- Amarthiel
- Anahristo
- Bolvag
- Caran-Carach
- Caronuial
- Carrog
- Coldagnir
- Cuce-Cebbar
- Curugûl
- Draebor
- Drul Chaurka
- Duran
- Durlach
- Eägoth
- Eloeklo
- Enna San Sarab
- Eos
- Erebún
- Erfaug
- Faucarach
- Fercha
- Gaergoth
- Gan
- Gaurhir
- Gelob
- Gilthrang
- Gorothir
- Gulavhar
- Gwathnor
- Gwethil
- Iaurlóke
- Ior
- Jäänainen
- Karagat
- Kax
- Kel
- Lairathin
- Lesh-Y
- Lingering Evil Thing
- Long Lankin
- Lugbol
- Maeguen
- Maroch
- Magurgoth
- Máugarth
- Meklak
- Mistress of Pestilence
- Mithia
- Monstrosity of diverse Shape
- Moran
- Morelen
- Morfana
- Morgayamar
- Moria doom spirit
- Morloch
- Morrigan
- Morthrog
- Mourfuin
- Mourmaelgax
- Muar
- Muddling Annis
- Mukarg
- Muul Baas
- Naruhel
- Noose of the Sea
- Ogslap
- Príclís
- Pûgudi
- Razarac
- Raukoruth
- Slyardach
- Sorthog
- Storlaga
- Supreme Bulor
- Telmorng
- Thaurlach
- Thindae
- Tredeinos
- Tselakus
- Udûnion
- Uhiris
- Umuiyau
- Unglob
- Ûpo
- Warg-King
- Wight-Lord
- Xarbanisan
- Yazhgar
- Zaken
The Demon-tribes[]
Elemental Demons:
- Fallen Fire Spirits (Servants of Aule, Vána, Varda or Tulkas)
- Fire Demons or Nauraukar
- Fallen Earth Spirits
- Fallen Spirits of Air (Servants of Manwe, Varda and Orome)
- Fallen Spirits of water (Servants of Ulmo or Yavanna)
- Water-Demons
- Belegaerogs
- Demon-serpents
- Demon-whales
- Helegrogs
- Marilith
- Water Horses (Myrrhoss or Loborogath]])
- Water-Demons
- Boldogs and Ogres
- Demons of Vatra
- Gothrogs or Warrior demons (fallen Maiar of Tulkas', Orome's or Manwe's Folk)
- Fallen shadow-spirits (fallen Maiar of Mandos', Irmo's, Este's, Vaire's or Nienna's peoples)
- Fallen Spirits of Arda
- Djinn
- Demonic Creatures