A dwarven Delver
The delver mined, the mason built. ... In Moria, in Khazad-dum.
A Delver is a skilled Miner.He can also be a Prospector.The greatest Miners of Middle-Earth are found among the Khazâd (the Felâk), but also among the Noldor and even Orcs (the Garmogi) skilled delvers can be found.
In Rolemaster The Delver is a spell-user who probes into the nature and value of many materials and also has the ability to mold those materials and work them.
In LOTRRPG the Miner is a playable Order.
Other Ideas[]
- an Arthadan Mine Adventurer
- a Chyan Pitworker
- a Dúnadan Stonedriller
- an Eriadorian Hatter
- a Harondorian Digger
- a Lamedonian Stoneman
- a Hobbit Smial-builder
- a Haradron Pitman
- a Sinda Collier
- a Troll Tunneller