The Dead Marshes

Dead Marshes (S."Loeg Fírn"): This was a low-lying swamp west of Dagorlad between the Emyn Muil and the Black Gate. This area became a swamp when Sauron’s resettlement of Mordor in the Third Age saw the expansion of the Nindalf until it swallowed up the burial places of the Men and Elves slain at the Battle of Dagorlad, and was so called because at night the phantom faces of dead warriors became visible. This was seen as an enchantment by Sauron. As a result the area was generally shunned by any travellers.
Places of Note[]

Haunted Mere Map

Northwestern fringes of the dead marshes - detail
Ancient tombs of Gondor Artamir's Camp Beredu's hut Creeping Marshes Dead Marshes Ruins Fens and Mires Evil-smelling Fens Giant's Bone Bridge Haudh Aîr Haunted Mere Heart of the Marshes Impassable Bog Lake of Dead Faces Marshland Outpost Nendol's Cave Nerbyg Nests Northeast Pond Orc-Road Passage of the Marshes Path of lights rotten wood Shifting Quagmire Sinkholes Skull-Rocks Soft Mires Stagnant Pools Tower of Gulwathdel Wild-Man Cavern
TA ca 3018-3019[]
Men: Beredu Camlan the Healer Tirrin
Orcs: Sorzúr
Undead: Gulwathdel Nightshaper Vorondur
Ainur: Fell Spirits
Men: Easterlings Marshmen Northmen
Orcs: Marshland-Orcs
Undead: Corpse Candles Corpse Lanterns Ghosts Ghouls Marsh lights Skeletons Swamp-Stars Wights Wraiths
Other: Awakened trees
Curulot Daynet Elendil's Basket Grabwort High Reeds Latha Lilies Marsh-lurker Menelar Mudbean Pangwood Red Willow Sweet Galenas Thurl Touchgrass Tyr-Fira Ucason Ul-naza Water Hemlock Zulsendura
Black Bear Black Mink Bog-toad Bugs Cave Crawler Cave Serpent Cave Spiderling Corpse Flies Deep-cricket Deer Feral Dogs Fishing Cat Flies Gorcrows Grouses Leeches Marsh Adder Marsh Avanc Marsh-flies Marsh Goats Marsh-norbog Mosquitos Ninevet Rats Redlegged Hawk Scrawny Hares Scrubland-crawler Slag-bat Slag-crawler Slag-slug Slugs Snails Snakes Spiderlings Stag Wastes-bear Waste-claws Waste Wolf Wild Boar Worms