Mórenore (Q. "Dark Lands"; Ad."Ugruzâyan") was the Quenya Elvish label for the continent south of Middle-earth, also known as Southernesse (Q."Hyarmenóre"; Ad."Ankharadê") the remote land separated from Endor by the Haragaer.The people of Gondor knew the inhabitants of these lands as "Addalwaith" or "Addalnos" (S."Antipodeans, Antipodes") and were quite ignorant of their very diverse cultures while the majority of the Westlanders not even were aware of their existence.
The Dark Lands had once been part of the greater continent of Middle-earth but had been separated from the main land-mass during the great wars between the Valar and Morgoth in the Elder Days. In the Second Age the coasts of Morenórë were visited by Númenórean Explorers but most of their outposts seem to have been abandoned after the Akallabeth though legends and myths about the "Hidden Things of Númen" prevailed in the lore of the Men of Mórinore.
The Original Inhabitants of Morenórë's Great East Continent were a race of men known as the Old Ones, who still formed the majority of the mannish populace in the inner lands, although the northern coasts of the continent had also been settled by colonists from the north, most of them outcasts, former prisoners or slaves, who had formed a number of smaller cities and realms, some of which tried to preserve some sort of civilisation while others fell into barbarism and chaos. It was believed that Morenórë was also home to several clans of Dwarves from the Yellow Mountains who had long been separated from the other Seven Tribes, Avari Elves, and races akin to the Giants, Orcs, and Trolls of Middle-Earth.
The first permanent Númenórean settlements on Southernesse's Great East-Continent dated to the days of Tar-Telperiën, with the Sun-Pillar of Telperiën standing on the Hot Gates of the eastern coast. Later monuments include the Shrine of Sunrise, built by Tar-Atanamir, which was later defaced and used by the Men of Darkness, as well as the Colossus of Ar-Gimilzôr. Only the feet and shins of the great statue remained by the late Third Age.
The Númenóreans established the river-mouth cities of later Freckland, Maiden Castle, Freck Bridge, Sebright of the Ships, and the chief city of Godsport, and major city of Freeport. Unusually, the inhabitants from Númenor and Middle-earth were mostly criminals whose sentence was to come to the faraway lands. It is said that there were seven major voyages which established the colonies: the first primarily Númenórean, the second mostly Umbarean, the third made up of vanquished Haradrim and Easterlings, the fourth and fifth made up of Umbareans and defeated tribes of Northmen, the Sixth and Seventh a greater mix, but leaning towards recently defeated Gwathuirim tribes. The fourth to seventh voyages were the only expeditions to bring a roughly equal number of female colonials.
After the world was made round and Númenor was sunk, these colonies confederated as the realm of "Girt by Sea" ruled by a [[Duke♧] or Duchess while Ciryancar I was the first to claim the title " Lord of the Pearl Coasts". While thought of as hereditary at first, the dukedom passed to an elected position chosen by all free males, though it was common for dukes to be related, as well as for female duchesses to be chosen. In the early Third Age, the descendants of the colonials were attacked by those that they recognized as Haradrim, likely from South-eastern Regions of Middle-earth. It is known that Sakalnî was Duchess of the realm in T.A. 1432, and that her grandson Duke Pelakthôn was the first to truly make alliances with the Old Ones to defeat the Cold Ogres.
At the peak of their power the Black Númenórean realms of western Harad and even Gondor knew about Morenórë and had loose ties to the former prison-colonies on its northern coasts (some of which had ancient Númenórean roots) but with the decline of the Realms-in-exile, Morenórë largely fell into oblivion, although some seafaring nations of Far Harad and the Utter South still ventured to its northern and western shores. It was not until the early Fourth Age that the inhabitants of Morenórë renewed contacts with their removed kinsmen to the north.
Elementals or Geniuses:
Men of Southernesse:
- Aztara
- Fishers of Sebright
- Galley Slaves
- Girtfolk
- Guardians
- Inlander's Gold Settlers
- Jegrai's Folk
- Northern Invaders
- Old Ones
- Scarlet Swearers
- Strandmen
- Sun-Children
- Venturers
- Ulmic Folk
- Whalers
- White Corsairs
- Lake-Giants
- Swamp-Trolls
Places of Note[]
- Abema Yuroi
- Abers of Freckland
- Abersport
- Addun Falls
- Aikring
- Ak'kun
- Arnach
- Astaldo
- Baasht
- Bakaelu Yuroi
- Beltazzu Yuroi
- Bergos
- Binstaldo
- Bitterspring
- Brandy
- Branhar
- Calaghar
- Carastur
- Carl-School
- Cave of Talka Luntano
- Chamber of Mochyan Bull
- Cobber Petra
- Collossus of Ar-Gimilzôr
- Crown Anchorage
- Crown Scriptorium
- Dol Thindome
- Dryslope
- Ealari
- Earhole Pass
- Ekkelgatto
- Fisher's Ghost
- Flaston
- Freckbridge
- Freckport
- Freeport, also known as Freeport-under-Bridge and Life City
- Gathor Tundro
- Gin
- Godsport
- Godsport Castle
- God-spring
- Gondrimmabu Yuroi
- Gondwana-current
- Gor-Orkroth
- Green Robe College
- Gwaerlond
- Haladim
- Haldrin Raft-Cities
- Hall of Bron
- Hall of Umag
- Harlan
- Hot Gates
- Hunter's Valley
- Hyarmentarma
- Illumuu
- Inlander's Gold
- Inland Shores
- High-foot Smith-Caves
- Khand's Grave
- Kiranu Apoluru
- Kirnost
- Korannu
- Lailond
- Laiglen
- Lair of Gasithago
- Lake Vinyarosse
- Lindor
- Lond Herond
- Lond Iorbeth
- Londelon
- Luinost
- Maiden Castle
- Manwiniono Yuroi
- Marilon
- Men-in-Girt
- Minas Makarim
- Mine Town
- Minturo Ballantano
- Mount Lofty Ranges
- Naph
- New Castle
- New Freeport
- Ninefold School
- Norsaroth
- Nurukopaz
- Oamini
- Observatory of Godsport
- Onodwini
- Orestaia Fao's Island
- Ostararwendo
- Ost Morsaironi
- Ostinkra'azor
- Ostmine
- Pabu
- Palenosto
- Perokroth
- Port of the Pillar
- Quean-School
- Raft Vor
- Ras Beregoth
- Rasanflas
- Sea-meadow
- Sebright-of-the-ships
- Secret Corsair port-City
- Shrine of Sunrises
- Singing Bridge
- Solemn Harbor
- Souside
- Sphere of Harmony
- Stairs of Anketo
- Stonefoot-Pass
- Storm-Step
- Sun Pillar
- Sweetwater
- Temple of the Blood-drinkers
- Temples of the One-Person
- Thorondrim
- Tindalond
- Tinkroth
- Tor Elinti
- Torogoth
- Turbethnalo
- Turong
- Ukkalaru
- Ukuzhor
- Ulmeia Vor
- Ulmo (Town)
- Uruku Dardukor
- Uruku L'runk
- Uruku Moruhoth
- Uruku Nenkhor
- Urukz Ormakor
- Uruku Thuhoth
- Vale
- Walkabout
- White Smile Garrison
- Wine-Cask Masque-house
- Ylmir's Mouth
- Yunosto
Lands and Regions[]
- Aiwendrast
- Ambragor
- Ambrazhor
- Anciryath
- Arbrand
- Balandor
- Belegredor
- Bloom Mountains
- Bushlands
- Coastal Lands
- Crags of Wingspan
- Crooked Mountains
- Dol Phorin
- Dolonor
- Dor-en-Luini
- Drast Ngwalme
- Drowned Vale
- Dryslopes
- East Coast
- Elven Mark
- Emer
- Eryd Aikrim
- Eryd Mallin
- Eryd Ungol
- Ettinwaith
- Evenrust
- Falas Ulessar
- Freckland
- Freck Isles
- Galendor
- Gethaena
- Girt-by-Sea
- Girtland
- Girt's Shore
- Godsport Inland
- Gondwane Earthdance
- Great Tip
- Great East Continent
- Great Riff
- Great Southern Bay
- Great Southern Continent
- Gulf Lee
- Haldrim Reef
- Hardrim
- Helchor
- Hefelchor
- Inland
- Inland Cities
- Inland Girt
- Inland Sea of Southernesse
- Isra
- Karastur
- Kasfôd
- Kem-annikinatha
- Khand's Grave Beach
- Mabandrast
- Mistwood
- Moth Mountains
- Mumakhor
- Ndanlâ
- Northern Ulmic Coast
- Northwestern cape
- Orbis
- Orestaia Faos Island
- Orkwaith
- Pearl Coasts
- Pendrast
- Rain Forest
- Ras Akallabeth
- Rast Hyand
- Rastluin Rôyhondo
- Sea Meadow
- Shores of Maquatostoth
- South Cliff
- South Land
- Southern Ice
- Southern-Sea Colonies
- South Islands
- Southern Seas
- Southern Searoad
- Southern Waste
- Straits of Isra
- Sunbitten Lands
- Tana
- Taur Ungwelome
- Tauri Lilotea
- Thufalas
- Tinkrazhor
- Tol Brandin
- Tol Lemriendor
- Toli Anherenya
- Tôlndulla
- Ulmic Coast
- Ûoioûoio
- Verya
- Very Grasslands
- Vog Mur
- Vorondel Cliffs
- Walking Ice
- Wâmîsha
- Warrumbungles
- Western Dryslopes
- Wind Deserts
Persons of Renown[]
Annuial Ardiana Lebannin Barúmir Blood-drinker living-lord Brown Mage Cirion the Scarlet Cirion VI Greyfeather Cirion XI Ciryancar Ciryancar III Cold Mother Cuin of Arnach Danamir Felix Eisil the Red Elena of Southernesse Elix of Khand Elix I Elix II Eradan Falasse Faramir Fairhand Felicael Felix I Felix IV of Godsport Finduilas Gariouen Gasithago Geba of Harad Gilfalas Blacknail Glumbak Grey Gilfalas Harnim Hazgham Hyando of Umbar Iltheor Irnilla Andros Jegrais Jenolan Kekkis Kráshnak Kurninog Leo Lebannin Lub Lubiz Luial Leaftip Lune Baaka Lurnir Mackekkis Mamma Noa Mara Mirohir Miryan III Naikamil Narúnir Nelly Maige Ninko Goldmaster Orfanael Oristaia Fao Otter Pelagion Porkshy Rashbaz Robag Elf-Friend Rollif the Landward Rovacil Rozar Serifes of Harad Seriol Sermian Sinonimon The Sleepless Spionster Thrawn Surulu Bukolu Thorongil Northman Ulman the Mage Usted Stone-ax Uzbadbasân-the-Smith Vorondel Voroneia Zakanabar Zakba
Birds Blood-drinker Dragons Darkland laughing Birds devil-dingos Diving Whales Dogs Dolphins Ducks Fish Flying Horses Great Bats Great Crows Great Eagles greatfoot-men Great Frogs Great Scorpions Great Serpents Great Swine Holy Cats Man-Bulls man-lizards man-rats Mountain-Moths man-quolls Otters Rainbow-snakes Seals seal-dogs starfish-devils Sun-Lizards swamp-horse devils Stone-men tangle-webs Tower-Ants Volcano-worms Whales
Alchemical Guild Apts Assassin's Guild Black Guards Blood-drinker Cult Cat Cult Colleges of Wizardry Cult of Efnisyen Cult of Gold Cult of Nisyen Cult of the Triple-Goddess Elementalist Cult Goddess-Cult Green Robe College Hounds of Harad Island Cults Knife-dancing Cult Necromantic Cultists Ogre Mages Sun-Sword Cult Tyrants of the Dark Lands Ulmic Cult Valiances of the Vale Weather-Mages Whitebirders
Falasan Im-Rîlazurian Kiltanaic Kùrúdfarî Languages of the Old Ones Pen'ûa
The employed map is roughly based on Professor Tolkien's raw sketches published in The Shaping of Middle-earth and to some lesser degree his early drawing of the "World Ship" and the World of Arda, published in the Book of Lost Tales. The map's main inspiration however comes from Thomas Morwinsky's redrawing of Pete Fenlon's MERP Continental map ("an artist's interpretation of middle earth including the wild lands — east, south, & north") which combined Mister Fenlon's painting with elements from the Hârnworld map. Most of Southernesse's coastline is based on Thomas Morwinsky's map, although the continent's proportions were altered. Southernesse's northeastern tip however draws heavily from Pete Fenlon's Map of Urulan, the great isle of eastern Jaiman, one of the two major continents of ICE's Loremaster (ICE Series) and Shadow World Setting.
See also[]
- merp.com wiki
- Middle-Earth Down Under: An Antipodean Campaign, by Norman Talbot (Department of English, The University of Newcastle, University Drive, Callaghan, Newcastle, NSW 2308, Australia) ©1994 Norman Talbot; first published in Other Hands #4.