The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Guardsmen of Dale

The Dale-folk or Dale-men (Del."Dálringi") were a Northron tribe that inhabited the Dale-Lands surrounding the Lonely Mountain. They were the descendants of Arrónai - wanderers and a tribe closely akin to the Edain of the House of Beor. Originally the Dale-folk were a confederacy of a number of related clans including the Kiusanthiuda, Aldungs, Dalthiuda, and Waihiungs (or later Kyrethid, Aldurings, Dalethid, Félagar and Stanthid).

Dale-men of Renown[]


In most adaptions, either the old ICE MERP Sourcebooks or the Hobbit movie Trilogy, the Dale-folk are portrayed as a Slavo-Norse culture, similar to the historical Rus or Varangians.


  • The MERP Lake-town Sourcebook gives the names of the Dale-folk clans as Aldurlingas, Daletheod, Feotlingas, Krytheod and Stahnotheod - modified Anglo-Saxon forms.