The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives


Daldúnair (Lin.:"Great waterways") was a marshy land located around a two hundred mile long lake of the same name. It was situated deep in the plains of eastern Endor: east of the Rycolis, south of Lú Tyr Sû, and west of Ûster Kryl. The vast grasslands of Kargagis Ahar stretched far to the south. Its sweet water and strategic location astride one of Endor's busiest trade routes made Daldúnair a choice prize for hungry conquerers. An isolated group of indigenous, Linerin-speaking fisherman and fowlers protected themselves from the frequent raiding and wars by living in Daldunair's numerous floating, lake-borne hamlets.

For some time, during the "Rebellion of the Daldúnai", this land had been part of the eastern realm of Linimér and the Wizard Rómestamo

Places of Note[]

Ayótatêph Cave of bears Elven village of Nimionô Felbuzad Forest lodge Forest ruin of Vevetlân Ólcethôl's grove Kamát-Kozám Old ruins of Evekrûn Sealed Tower of Tovokíkh Stone circle of Yavâltetíl Telcátepôk Tlámantlâk Xáat'l War-camp of the golden army


Kûawatal Forest The Tlálîl


  • Daldúnai lake-folk
  • Kûawatal forest-folk
  • Kûiko forest-elves
  • Steppe-Orcs
  • Steppe-folk of the Tlálîl


Húalnimi Nâwala


Anrashû Caníshtâl Ikhatpân Inikthúl Kokyozâz Nánthil Nechúthli Ólcethôl Páhpiân


The geography of Daldunair seems to be based on the region of central asian lakes, lake Zaysan or Balkhash probably being the closest equivalent.Historically these lands were populated by proto-mongol and proto-turk Juan-Juan and Gaoche peoples.

