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The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

King of Durin´s Folk for almost eighty years (from T.A. 2941 until 3019), Dain II lived for over two centuries. He was a fierce, battle- hardened warrior warrior who slew the ferocious Orc-king Azog in the Battle of Azanulbizar in T.A. 2799. Six years later, he became Lord of the Dwarves of the Iron Hills, the highlands which lay east of Erebor. Dain II led an army to rescue the besieged Dwarf-king Thorin II in T.A, 2941 and commanded a Dwarf-force against an army of Orcs and Wargs at the Battle of Five Armies. After Thorin's death in that battle, Dain II became King under the Mountain (of Erebor). A beloved and benevolent ruler, he proved to be highly wise from the very beginning when he dealt out treasure from the Dragon’s hoard with an open hand to those who could rightfully claim a share of it. Eventually he was approached by a Dark Messenger offering Durin's Ring and two other Dwarf Rings for information about Bilbo and the Shire. During the War of the Ring, Dain II fell in battle as he defended the body of his Mannish friend, King Brand of Dale, from desecration.

Dain Ironfoot's Principal Items:[]

  • Barazantathul
  • Coat of plates
  • Crested Helm
  • Fur Cloak
  • Warding Shield
  • The Red Axe


  • MERP:Lords of Middle-earth Vol III: Hobbits, Dwarves, Ents, Orcs & Trolls
  • MERP:Middle-Earth Adventure Guidebook II