Daen and Drûghu meet for the first time.

family tree of the daen peoples
The Daen (Dn. "People" or "men", related to Sindarin "Edain", "Followers" or "Men";S.: Haradain, "South-men") or Haldadians were a group of mannish peoples in the Second Age. Although they were actually by language kinsmen of the Haladin, and thus related to the Edain, they were counted as Arrónai by many Loremasters. Others considered them Middle-Men. Most of the original mortal inhabitants of Gondor were of Daen descent, as were most of the Southerners or southern Eriadorians. Most prominent among the descendants of the Daen were the Dunlendings, who had preserved many of the archaic rites of their ancestors.
The Daen were a stout folk of short to middle-height. They mostly had a swarthy complexion and dark, brown or black hair and eyes.
The early Daen knew little about the Gods except for old tales about the Voice and the Dark One. Only after the return of men from Beleriand they heard rumors of the Belain and started to worship spirits or deities. Among these Great "Bel" or Spirits were the Dark Mother Duram, the Earth Mistress, Fois, Gaoth the Lord of Skies, Gobha the Old Man of the Mountains, Mairb and Turaigh. Later many of them started to worship the great King, Shoglic or Marec.
Lineage of the Daen-Peoples:[]
- Arvandor
- Haladin (one of the three original Edainic tribes, the other two being the Beorians and Marachians.)
- Daen (Relatives of the Haladin who did not cross the Ered Luin)
- Dán Mor (Tribes of Gondor and southern Eriador)
- Daen Coentis (Mountain People of Gondor, the Oathbreakers)
- Men who fled from the mountains
- Orodbedhrim (Mountainmen of Gondor)
- Dunir (of Andrast and Drúwaith Iaur)
- Eredrim (later Hillmen of Dor-en-Ernil)
- Orodbedhrim (Mountainmen of Gondor)
- Men who fled from the mountains
- Daen Lintis
- Southerners or southern Eriadorians
- Gwathuirim of Enedwaith
- Dunmen of Eriador
- Calenardhons (descendants of Daen from Eriador, Dúnadan-settlers and Northron Colonists)
- Dynion or Clansmen of Saerlann (intermixed with descendants of Cardolanian Northmen)
- Dunlendings (proper)
- Algraig
- Gwathló Bargemen
- Mebden of Eryn Vorn
- Men of the Tharbad Marshes
- Hil Fferid
- Dunmen of Eriador
- Branomaboi
- Beffraen (Intermixed with Drûghu)
- Brigaic (Mixed with remnants of the Beregrim)
- Calenardonians and Anórians (mixed with Dúnadan Settlers)
- Hollin-Folk
- Noi Trevan (the nine tribes)
- Hillmen of Rhudaur (Intermixed with Dunmen)
- Gwathuirim of Enedwaith
- Southerners or southern Eriadorians
- Men of the Brown Lands
- Danan Lin
- Dônan or Donaen of Aegardh and the Ered Lithui
- Donaen or Men of the Ephel Dúath
- Men of Mordor (intermixed with Núrniags and other tribes)
- Sakalai (coastal tribes of Belfalas Bay)
- Dusslin
- Ethir Folk
- Gondorians (Gondorian commoners; descendants of Indigenous Daen and Dúnadan-Settlers)
- Umbareans (mixed with Dúnedain, Haradrim and Black Númenóreans)
- Eastern branch of the Daen tribes
- Danan Lin
- Daen Coentis (Mountain People of Gondor, the Oathbreakers)
- Dán Mor (Tribes of Gondor and southern Eriador)