Old Father Christmas.
Daddy Nöel was an enigmatic being; his first sightings date to the Sixth Age, where he was seen each year around the yule or turuhalme festival, riding upon a great sleigh of red, drawn by a company of Losrandir. His identity was a mystery; most loremasters of his time believed him to have been one of the Airër, or "Saints," the few exalted and holy mortals who had exceptional degree of likeness or closeness to Eru, and who dwelt "in Eru" and in whom "Eru dwelt," whether in Menel or on Ambar. If this was the case, he might be identified with Saint Nicholas of the Sixth Age, who ministered to children and the poor, and propagated the faith of Eru as the Ilon. But those familiar with the Elder Days believed him to have been even older, possibly one of the Ainur or Spirits of Arda.
Whatever his origin, he dwelt in Ringli, in the farthest north of Dor Bendor, accompanied by Red Elves and fairy animals, but he used to visit the mortals in midwinter times. He was a patron spirit of children, particularly Mannish ones, and took especial care and devotion to them, distributing magical and blessed toys made by the Red Elves among the youths of each realm he visited.
- Atyaro Hellor
- Father Christmas
- Nicholas Christmas
- Nikolaas Saint
- Nosdacil Aimo
- Turuhalmatar
- Turuhalmeron
It is believed that "Father Christmas" represents the modern day image of the Spirit of Midwinter, the "Green Brother" might represent the victorian version of the Spirit of Christmas while Grandfather Yule represents the pre-victorian Version.
A version of Santa Claus appears in Lord of the Rings Online in Bree on Yule.