Dúrakhani Slaver
The Dúrakhani (also spelt Dúranaki,Dunrakhi or Duranakhi.later Wúrakhani or Úrakhani) were an enigmatic people from eastern Middle-Earth, natives to the lands of Dúrakhan.They were obviously relatives of the Wômaw, but stood out for their noticeable white hair.Once a relatively advanced people of talented Craftsmen their culture had become ,nocturnal,reclusive and xenophobic.The Dúrakhani saw themselves as an exalted race, for their armed forces and lesser labours they relied on other cultures, notably Talataerim tribes as the Myri.
The Durakhani grudgingly accepted the existence of the Powers, but in their daily cult they worshiped for the most part themselves, as they considered themselves the descendants of the true gods and therefore superior to all other men.
The Durakhani spoke Ranaka or Xâtyn, a strange murmurous language distantly akin to Nelyarin Avarin.
Durakhani of Renown:[]
Finloss Arain Ithloss Arain T'revor Arain T'jerak Vakuriax
Outer History:[]
- The Dúrakhani were mentioned in the Iron Crown Quarterly Magazine, they later inspired the Duranaki or Dunrakhi of Shadow World, one of the main Dúrakhani Characters T'revor Arain mentioned in the magazine as a traveler in the fourth Age Middle-Earth and antagonist of the Ithryn Luin later reappeared as a Duranaki-Ruler in shadow-World publications. In later Issues of the ICQ, also the Duranaki or Dunraki are mentioned , although as a distinct people, though probably related to the Dúrakhani.
- Loremaster:Shade of the sinking Plain