The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives
Cult of the Long Night

Nan Morsereg

Tucked away at the Western end of the Emyn Enygrin (Iron Hills) live a secretive society of seers and mystics dedicated to the Cult of the Long Night.  They call their principal home Nahald Kudan (Secret Holes).  They have other enclaves or redoubts in population and trading centers throughout the region.  Overtly they live in a cluster of shale-over-wooden-frame conical homes and offer comfort to travelers in this part of the world.  They are identified by white woolen shifts.  Should someone actually don their garb, the feel of human hair against their skin would be disconcerting, if not horrifying.  The hermits ask probing questions about travel conditions and items of interest.  Burly servitors will offer food, a warm fire, and homebrew to any who stay with them.  Should a weary traveler accept, they will find the hospitality loosens their tongue and guarded information spills out unbidden.  The Cult's members are typically very subtle with strangers until they can extract knowledge of their allegiance and motives.  Covertly they seek to gain adherents and contacts throughout the the regions surrounding Mirkwood.  This strategic location permits them to interact with the Ashrag Orcs, caravans and wains of slaves and soldiers headed to Angmar from tributary Easterling tribes near the Sea of Rhun.  They have contacts throughout the Northern portions of Mirkwood incuding Dale, Long Lake, Methelburg, Framsburg and into Angmar proper.  They receive regular communiques from Dol Guldur.  They worship spirits of the dark and for the most part as yet do not know the actual name of the deity whereby they derive their powers.  They study the darkness surrounding the stars and the dark of the moon. 

The inner circle of this group calls themselves the Maeghirrim (Piercing Lords).  They are exceedingly skilled in their respective fields and not to be taken lightly.  They are fond of drugging, torture, and subsequent sacrifice of anyone deemed an opponent and taken in by their guise as healers and hermits.

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