The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Cuivienen in the First Age

Cuiviénen (Q. "Water of Awakening"; Av. "Kuiwênêni") was once situated between the steep western flank of the Orocarni (Q. "Red Mountains") and the eastern shore of the Inland Sea of Helcar. It served as the birthplace and original homeland of the immortal Firstborn, the Elves.

The Elves, split into three groups based on the leaders who awoke them – the Minyar, the Tatyar, and the Nelyar – lived for long years in bliss beside the waters of Cuiviénen before the Vala Orome summoned them to Aman. All of the Minyar and many of the other two groups followed him, becoming the Eldar, while those who remained became the Avari. Those Avari who never wandered away from Cuiviénen were called the Hisildi or Twilight-elves. The Lost Elves were those Elves who mysteriously disappeared, either in Cuivienen or during the Great Journey.

Essentially torn apart during the apocalyptic change after the Great Battle at the end of the First Age, both Cuiviénen and Helcar remained near-mythical locales. The lake of Khelkeneni in the land of Khelgardh was believed to be the last remnant of the Water of Awakening.

Places of Note[]

  • Bay of Cuivienen
  • Birchgrove
  • Calatâna
  • Coastal Harbor
  • Dark Woods
  • Deep Cleft
  • Dwelling of Tû or Fathomless Hollow
  • Endless Caverns
  • Firfood
  • Great cliff
  • Great Falls
  • Stream of Ciuvienen
  • Tol Minya
  • Valley of Enel
  • Valley of Imin
  • Valley of Tata
  • Watch of the Valar
  • Woodland Camp


Aiar Ailios Aranwë Beleg Brethel Celeborn Dardarien Elindis Elmo Elni Elor Elwe Enel Enelye Eöl Eöwa Finwë Galadhon Gilfanon Hendor Ilion Imin Iminye Ingwë Indis Ingni Ingye Kyalpa Lenini Lenwë Linwë Mablung Mahtan Maidros Miriel Mordess Moreye Morrliel Mormiresûl Morwe Nelmo Nelwe Nöe Nowe Nuin Nurwe Nurwen Olnis Olwë Quelbaras Salgant Sepori Silwe Tanis Tareg Tata Tatie Uolë Kúvion Valwë


  1. Geographically Cuivienen is often compared to the great central Asian lakes, especially lake Baikal, on Pete Fenlon’s map; however it is situated even further east, more comparable to modern Hunlun lake or Buir lake. However in The Nature of Middle-earth J. R. R. Tolkien stated once that the march of the elves from their places of awakening to the western coasts of Beleriand was about a length of ca. 2,000 miles which would locate Cuivienen on the western shore of the Rhûnaer. A second time however he stated that Cuivienen was located about 450 miles east or southeast from the eastern shores of the Rhûnaer. If Rhûnaer was roughly at the same location as the northwestern-most bay of the Black Sea, that would locate Cuivienen roughly at the Black Sea’s northeastern-most bay in modern-day southern Russia.

