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Cuind Elves

The Cuind were a tribe of Avari elves living in the Utter South of Middle-earth in the forest of Mighty Green.

Detailed Description[]


The Cuind were a relatively primitive Cave-Culture who settled in small communities within valleys or along Hillsides. Metalwork originally had been largely alien to them as had been buildings made of stone until they made ties to the Blacklock-Dwarves and befriended them after which they became respectable smiths and masons.


The Cuind were small by elvish standard, sometimes barely reaching 5'7". They had dark hued, swart or ruddy skin and mostly grey or dark eyes and brown or black hair, with a few notable copper-haired exceptions among them.


The Cuind were the descendants of Kwindi from southeastern Palisor who had joined the Host of Tareg into the west, but on their way they separated themselves from their kin and moved southwards into the Haradwaith and later into the Utter South, the Kinn-Lai were their close relatives and neighbours although both groups tended to stay away from each other.


The Cuind spoke an Avarin dialect called Cuindïu.


  • In "Shadow in the South" the the Elves of Valagalen were originally called "Fuinar",in "hands of the Healer" these are identified with the Cuind.A possible form of "Fuinar" in southwestern Avarin could be "Piunir".
  • The Cuind are believed to be Tatyarin-Avari. Some commentators have assumed that Cuind may be old Irish-influenced.