The Crown Council was the official government of the Kingdom of Gondor, under its King. The Crown Council traditionally was lead and headed ultimately by the King himself, and was comprised otherwise of his Steward and his Warden, and under them were the Liege-Lords of the fiefs Anórien, Anfalas, Ethir Anduin, Ithilien, Lamedon, Lebennin, Lossarnach, Morthond, Pinnath Gelin and Ringló Vale. In title, the King was also traditionally Lord of Anórien (while his Queen held the title over Ithilien, thus maintaining all of the core-lands of Gondor under the direct governance of the Royal House), while the Prince of Belfalas also held a double position, being both the Liege-Lord of Belfalas and formally autonomous, but largely titular, Prince of Dor-en-Ernil.
At the height of the Kingdom's power in the mid-Third Age, the Cánor of outlying provinces such as Calenardhon, Haerawreigion, Nan Lefnui and the Andrast and of semi-civilized tribal areas such as Drúwaith Iaur and Harondor, or annexed foreign realms such as Umbar, Dor-Rhûnen, Rhûnaer, Enedhwaith, Haradwaith, Mordor, and Near-Harad, all possessed seats or observational/advisory status on the Council. Unfortunately, with its decline, Gondor lost control over most of these former colonies and dependencies, in addition to the loss of its Kings. It was not until the reign of the High-King Elessar I Telcontar that absolute royal control over the Council was reestablished, and in turn these outlying provinces were resettled, uniting the ancient Kingdom once more. To the Council were then added the Liege-Lords and Officials of restored Arnor and the lands of Eriador, such as the Regents of Arthedain, Cardolan, Rhudaur, Minhiriath, and Imladris. Also appointed were masters and chieftains of tributaries, vassals, and allies of the Reunited Kingdom, such as the Mayor and Thain of Suza, the Mayor of Bree-land, the Lord of Aglarond, and the Elf-Lord of Henneth Annûn, in addition to a number of other allies and vassals.