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Crested Helmets different types:1st row: Elven and Dúnadan Desigs,2nd Row: Rohirric Helmets 3rd row: Dúnadan/Elven Helm, Hillman & Easterling Types


Late derivation of the Elven Crested Helm without feather plume

A common form of Elven Cassar was the Castolo or Crested Helm, worn by the Feanorian and also by Sindarian Warriors.The crested elven helm was basically a tall helmet with nose and cheek guards and crest or comb with a huge plume or fan of feathers (of eagles or seagulls), the Feanorian Warriors wore Crests of red Plume.Ulmo's crown-helmet was described as "foam-crested" and may have been an inspiration or precursor of the later númenórean Karma design.


movie trilogy[]

In the movie Trilogy Gil-Galad´s warriors wear helmets resembling corinthian helmets with an additional crest without feather-adornment.Sketches for Gil-Galad´s armor show him wearing a Spiked helm without crystal thorn.


The crested elven helms as described by Tolkien were perhaps inspired by historical helmets as the roman helms, illyrian helms but most likely the greek hoplite helmet.
