Councils, Things, and Moots of note:
- Aldinnthing
- Ardan Council
- Attathrain
- Black Council
- Bothar folk-moot
- Breeland Moot
- Council of Arthedain
- Council of Azanûlinbar-Dûm
- Council of Captains
- Council of Caras Celairnen
- Council of Clans
- Council of the Daen Coentis
- Council of Dunborim
- Council of Edhellond
- Council of elder Hobbits of Thistledow
- Council of 49 Elders of Nan-i-Naugrim
- Council of Elders of Dunland
- Council of eleven Nobles of the Woodland realm
- Council of Elrond
- Council of Erebor
- Council of Faerdor
- Council of the Faithful
- Council of Fennas Drûnin
- Council of five of the Brotherhood of the Mountain Path
- Council of Gondor
- Council of Guildmasters of Dale
- Council of Guilds of Nimir Kadar
- Council of Kuska
- Council of Lords of Gondor
- Council of Lords of Lindon
- Council of Lords of Ost-in-Edhil
- Council of Minas Morgul
- Council of the Mirror
- Council of Mistrand
- Councils of Nargothrond
- Council of the North
- Council of Patriarchs
- Council of Pelargir
- Council of Regents
- Council of the Sarn Settlements
- Council of the Scepter of Cardolan
- Council of the Sceptre
- Council of Seers of Arthedain
- Council of Seers of Gondor
- Council of the Seven
- Council of Seventeen
- Council of Taurang
- Council of Tel Belarin
- Council of Three
- Council of Twelve of Calembel
- Council of the Valar
- Council of the Wise
- Councils of the West
- The Court of Aranórë
- Craetthing
- District Council
- Duranki Council
- Elder Councilsof Waw
- Entmoot
- Fadarthing
- Folkmoot
- Frogmoot
- Jilhan Council
- Junction Moot
- King's Council of Arthedain
- King's Council of Rohan
- Maker's Moot
- Master's Council
- Moot of Lake-town
- Melkor's High Council at Utumno
- Morgoth's High Council at Angband
- Royal Council of Arthedain
- Ruling Council of Gondor
- Senate of Koronande
- Shire-moot
- Crown Council of Númenór
- Great Council of Rûrîk
- Midwinter's Moot of Aegan
- Muldak
- Staddle Moot
- Town Council of Ermanareiksbaurg
- Town Council of Linhir
- Town-Council of Minas Brethil
- White Council
- Woodman Moot