The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Gorlagon (S."Horrible Storm"), a Winged-drake, was the greatest of the the half-dozen Cave-drakes, Colddrakes, and Land-drakes that found the caves of the Nan Angmar provided comfortable lairs. He unwittingly acted as a convenient border guard for the Witch-king of Angmar.


He resided above the Pass of Dol Hithaer, a pass in the Hyaryagsh connecting the Ettenmoors of Rhudaur with the Nan Angmar near Litash. Almost fifty feet long and possessing a hundred-foot wingspan, the dragon dwelt in an immense cavern with a considerable pile of treasure, much of which he had pillaged from the Dwarves in his prime. Gorlagon rarely ventured into Angmar proper after the founding of Litash, but instead hunted goats high in the mountains and caru on the northern fringe of the Ettenmoors. As rare treats, the Dragon would go for prey such as lonely Snow Trolls who came too close for their own good to his home.

Early in the Great Northern Wars, Gorlagorn was approached by the Witch-king of Angmar, who granted him good loot and a company of Troll slaves to attend to his needs, to take his side. More concerned with his comfort and hoard than a promising alliance, he spurned the offer yet kept the gifts that he deemed his rightful tribute. His mere presence, however, was enough keep even the bravest Arnorian warriors outside the borders of Angmar, fulfilling at least some use for the Witch-king.


Original form in MERP: Corlagon = Gorlagon
