A Conjurer of cheap Tricks
In Middle-Earth a Conjurer was a person who conjured spirits or magic but most often it had the connotation of a travelling Wizard, Summoner, Charlatan, or impostor.
Conjurer is a playable profession in MERP and Rolemaster.Rolemaster also has the similar professions:Charlatan, Crystal Mage, Dabbler,Gypsy, Illusionist, Mentalist, Miracle Worker, Mountebank, Summoner and Tarot Mage.
In Roleplaying Conjurer may also refer to:
- the Anû Lôril of the Mûmakani
- the Conjure-Women and Tywait of the Eriadorians
- Lemeynen (La."Spirit-Namers") of the Lossoth
- the Maijesk of the Wainriders
- Hudgwehydd of the Plainsmen
- Sangemekh or Song-mother (Chayasir)
- Stone-Talkers of the Eglain
Conjurer originally meant "to bind by Oath" or "one who swears together", the idea was a person who made some sort of quasi-judicial contract with a spirit, deity or other supernatural power, later it changed it's meaning into "one who plots or excorcises", "one who conspires" and finally "One who Invokes".