The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Coir Ross (Hi. "Forest share" of the share of Ross") was a new province of Rhudaur, founded after the war of TA 1409, holding territories once possessed by Carrac Lir and Dor-en-Egladil. It was the spearpoint in the effort to totally eradicate the remnant of the Free Peoples in the Angle. Its strategic position along the Great East Road gave it control of revenues and barred Arthedain’s access into Rhovanion (and to Rivendell) via this route. Two noteworthy towns were found in Carest, Iant Methed and Tuin Bod.Parts of it were later succeded by the tribal realm of Férroen.


Original form:Carest = Coir Ross


  • Population and Urbanization in Eriador by Thomas Morwinsky (published in Other Minds Magazine #13)