"As every schoolchild in Minas Tirith knows, in forming Sindarin compound-words the juxtaposition of N and R become DHR; thus "caran", "red", when conjoined with "rass", "horn", becomes "Caradhras", "Red-horn", one of the famed mountains of Moria. Similarly, "dun", "west", when conjoined with "randir", "wanderer", properly yields "dudhrandir", "west-wanderer". The form "Dunrandir" in the contemporary name of this pass erroneously retains the initial element in its original form, perhaps on analogy with the common compound "Dúnedain". We feel that this ought to be corrected, but we deemed it prudent not to broach the subject with the warden at Amrûnaur." -Findegil
Cirith Dudhrandir was the only major pass that transversed the mountainous peninsula of Belfalas. It was also the only mountain pass in southern Gondor that possessed a paved road, and so was of greater strategic importance to the defense of the realm. Rising to an elevation of 5,800 feet, the Cirith Dudhrandir was also the longest pass in southern Gondor, stretching more than sixty miles from east to west, and nearly equaling the width of Belfalas itself. The pass was given its name in S.A. 3400. when Edhelion of Eldalonde, then Captain of the Faithful in Pelargir, was granted the westward peninsula as a fief.
The Cirith Dudhrandir was guarded by the fortress of Naur Amrûn, and two knightly houses controlled the lands along the pass' eastern approach. The prince retained the western ascent of the pass (as far as Naur Amrûn) as his own estate, Travelers using the pass could find lodging in the courtyard of Naur Amrûn or (more rarely; as guests of one of the landed knights). There was an inn for travelers in the small village that lay on the prince's land west of Naur Amrûn.
- MERP:Southern Gondor - The Land