The Children of Ilúvatar (Q."Híni Ilúvataro"; S."Hîr Ilúvatar"), the Firstborn and Secondborn races of Arda, the Eldar and Edain, known more commonly as Elves and Men were the two kindreds of sentient beings directly created by Eru Ilúvatar, the supreme deity of Eä. They were also called Eruhíni (Q."Children of God") and Rendë Ilúvatáro ("Heirs of Ilúvatar"), for they were the only beings brought into existence solely by his will, independent of the Ainur’s influence.
The Two Kindreds[]
The Firstborn, also called The Elder Children, were Quendi (PQ."Those Who Speak"), the Elves, the first race to awaken in Arda, and the closest in spirit and beauty to the Ainur. They awoke under the stars at Cuiviénen during the Years of the Stars, long before the Sun and Moon were made. Their connection to the starlight of Varda led them to name themselves Edhil ("The Star-folk") Iminyani Tinwësar or ("Firstborn of the Starlight") and the Valar called them Meldaini ("The Beloved Ones"), for they were most dear to the Lords of Aman. They were bound to the world and could not escape its fate. Even if slain, their spirits would journey to Mandos, where they could eventually be reborn or remain as spirits within Aman. Though immortal, they were not changeless, and over the Ages, many Elves began to diminish, becoming mere memories of their former glory.
The Secondborn, called the Younger Children, were Atani ("The Second Ones"), the Men, who awoke at the first rising of the Sun in the distant lands of Palisor on East. Unlike the Elves, their fate was Mortal, for they were given the Gift of Ilúvatar, the ability to leave Arda after death and pass beyond the Circles of the World to a fate unknown even to the Valar. Because of this, they were sometimes called Mortalkind or The Fading Kindred by the Elves.