The War of the Ring was the great war at the end of the Third Age in which the Free Peoples of the Westlands finally allied and defeated the Lord of the Rings and his evil servants.
Battles of the War of the Ring[]
- the Battle of Bree
- the Battle of Bywater
- the Battle of Cair Andros
- the Battle of Dale
- the Battle of Dol Guldur
- the Battle at the Eaves of Fangorn
- the Battle of the Gilrain
- the Battle of the Hornburg
- the Battle of Isengard
- the Battle of Ithilien
- the Battle of the Lonely Mountain
- the Battle of the Black Gate
- the Battle of Osgiliath
- the Battle of Pelargir
- the Battle of the Pelennor Fields
- the Battle under the trees
- First Battle of the Fords of Isen
- the First Battle of Lórien
- the Last Battle of Dagorlad
- Second Battle of the Fords of Isen
- the Second Battle of Lórien
- the Third Battle of Lórien
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All items (679)
- Dagam-Bûrz
- Dahlia North-Took
- Dain II Ironfoot
- Daisie Gamgee
- Daisy Chubb
- Daisy Sandyman
- Dalamyr
- Dalanath
- Damrod the Ranger
- Darabeth of House Drambor
- Dargum
- Daul (Goblin)
- Delwin
- Denethor II of Gondor
- Derláf
- Dernmod
- Derufin of Morthond
- Dervorin of Ringló
- Dhaub
- Dhâr
- Dirgon
- Doderick Brandybuck
- Doeth
- Dolbarad
- Dori of the House of Durin
- Dremidudh
- Dreorg the Wargling
- Drisnak
- Dréor
- Drór the Traitor
- Drôzhna
- Duilin of Morthond
- Duinhir of Morthond
- Duiuech
- Dulan
- Dulgurz
- Dwimmerthane
- Dwálin son of Fundin
- Dáma of Rohan
- Dâgal the Observer
- Dâgalûr
- Dâl
- Déorgar of the Fenlotingas
- Déorhere
- Déorwine of Walstow
- Dínendal
- Dúach
- Dúnhere of Underharrow
- Dûrbuhûk
- Ealdryhten
- Ecweoh
- Elanna
- Eldir
- Elfdag of the Eásternwardas
- Elfhelm of the East-Mark
- Elflád of the Eásternwardas
- Elfmar of the Eásternwardas
- Elgyth
- Elladan
- Elphir
- Elred
- Elrohir
- Elrond Half-elven
- Elweleth
- Erchirion II of Dol Amroth
- Ereblen
- Erestor of Rivendell
- Erethón
- Erkenbrand of Westfold
- Erkenwald of the Drenghornings
- Esgreld
- Estella Brandybuck
- Etherly Cobble
- Eustace Grubb
- Eva of Dunland
- Evaine Brandybuck
- Falco North-Took
- Faramond Baggins
- Farg
- Farmak of Isengard
- Farmer Maggot
- Fasthelm of Faldham
- Fastred of Sutcrofts
- Feanan Redwing
- Fereveldir
- Ferevellon
- Fhalén
- First Battle of the Fords of Isen
- Flint Ironheart
- Flizbag
- Flizhpot
- Florence Took
- Flug-Dush
- Flurg
- Folok
- Forlong the Fat
- Forweg of Lossarnach
- Fram Framson
- Framric
- Freca the Oathmaker
- Fredegar Bolger
- Frigo Sackville-Baggins
- Fréamund
- Frûshkul
- Fárin son of Nórin
- Fâsh
- Fîs
- Gaerwen
- Gagraz
- Galadriel
- Galath
- Galoranna
- Galthoniel
- Galua
- Polo Gamgee
- Gamling the Old
- Ganburh
- Gandalf
- Garathon
- Garmog the Overseer
- Garnoc
- Gartog
- Gartok
- Gartor
- Gashbuz of Isengard
- Gat
- Gathrok
- Gazdush
- Gazgash
- Gazhorn
- Gazhúr Three-Deaths
- Gazmog the messenger
- Gaznag
- Gazthak
- Gemma
- Gergenau
- Gerwun
- Gharsh
- Ghashanuz of Isengard
- Ghân-buri-Ghân
- Ghâshdrakh
- Ghûk
- Gimli son of Glóin
- Girion the Black
- Girloth
- Glorfindel of the House of the Golden Flower
- Glothrok the Vile
- Glower-Rák
- Gluthrak
- Gláin Lockbearer
- Gléowine
- Glórinda
- Gnaznak
- Godgifu of the Fréolicas
- Golasdan
- Golb of Isengard
- Gomîg
- Gorbag
- Gorbug
- Gordush
- Gorhúr
- Gorin of Nordinbad
- Gormur Doursmith
- Gornag
- Goromil of Ithilien
- Gorshag
- Gorûl
- Grakh
- Gralch
- Grarbag
- Greb