- For the main article on the War of the Ring, see War of the Ring.
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- Alan Mugwort
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- Aldis Oatbearer
- Aldor of Hornburg
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- Alkharîn Alkharialê
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- Ambush in Northern Ithilien
- Amdír the Ranger
- Amdûr
- Amonel
- Amos Appledore
- Amrothos IV of Dol Amroth
- Anar the Dwarf
- Anborn the Ranger
- Andreth of Minas Tirith
- Andy Grubb
- Angbor the Fearless
- Angelica Baggins
- Angrod of Ithilien
- Ann Lilypool
- Anárin
- Ben Appledore
- Aragorn Elessar
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- Arteveld Holman
- Artie Root
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- Balin son of Fundin
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- Bashkuga
- Battle of Bree
- Battle of Bywater
- Battle of Dale
- Battle of Helm's Deep
- Battle of Lórien
- Battle of Morannon
- Battle on the eaves of Fangorn
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- Bauglám Fork-tongue
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- Beleg of Ithilien
- Belegcam
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- Beorn son of Grimbeorn
- Beregond of Lossarnach
- Berenar
- Bereneth
- Beretar of the Badlands
- Bergil son of Beregond
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- Bifur
- Bilbo Baggins
- Bill Ferny the younger
- Bingo Chubb
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- Bláin
- Bob the Ostler
- Angrisa Boffin
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- Bingo Bolger
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- Borgthaur
- Boromir son of Denethor II
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- Brand Bainson
- Bravahn Castamirion
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- Bregowine
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- Burin son of Balin
- Burnoth, son of Baldeg
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- Búrzash
- Bûb-hosh
- Bûrakh
- Bûrzthrâng of Isengard