- For the main article on the Second Age, see Second Age.
This page is a topic category for the Second Age.
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- A'Inkor
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- Adha-Vracarath
- Adhâ
- Adûnahil
- Adûnazil
- Adûntârik
- Adûrazil
- Aeglos (Spear)
- Aegnor of Mirdaithrond
- Aerien
- Agaldor
- Agar
- Agburanar
- Ahar
- Ailinel of Númenor
- Ailios
- Airanna
- Airiscina
- Aiwen
- Akallazôr
- Akvoth II
- Akûta Wân-Drâl
- Alad'aron
- Alcarinë
- Almarian
- Almiel of Númenor
- Almáriel of Rómenna
- Amandil of Andúnië
- Amanyë
- Amardil of Andúnië
- Amdír Malgalad
- Amroth son of Amdír
- Amâv
- Amîs-Shug
- Amûrath
- Anasa-Féf
- Anasa-Wém
- Andai Inda'eir
- Andrâx
- Angurth (Dragon)
- Ankanli
- Answini the Beiabarn
- Anthargairu
- Anusta Voronetyaro
- Anárion Elendilion
- Ar-Abattârik
- Ar-Adûnakhôr
- Ar-Belzagar
- Ar-Gimilzôr
- Ar-Pharazôn
- Ar-Sakalthôr
- Ar-Zimrathôn
- Arafain of Lórien
- Arafel
- Aratan of Gondor
- Ardamir of Númenor
- Ardana
- Ardanini
- Ardaron
- Argaldor
- Argwîr the Weaver
- Arhendhiril
- Ariel daughter of Curufin
- Ariel the Healer
- Arkhahil
- Arnubalkân
- Arondir
- Arvandor
- Arxdûkanga
- Arû-Baito
- Asuath
- Atanalcar
- Aulendil of Andúnië
- Aurandil
- Axandil
- Axantur
- Azulzîrân
- Badger-brock
- Bairanax
- Bairawulf
- Balasimur
- Balcheneb
- Balglîn
- Balrog of Moria
- Barahal
- Barak son of Thelor
- Barkmaster
- Barrow culture
- Bavór the Cold
- Beogrin
- Bessamarth
- Beusobaira
- Bhalli Goldeneye
- Bhalli Silvereye
- Bhalli son of Bhalli
- Bhalli Stonehand
- Bhalli the Rash
- Bhrâli of Rûrumakh
- Bhûm
- Bhûrm
- Black Easterlings
- Blogath
- Bohôr
- Bolvag (Second Age)
- Bor the Dark
- Branomaboi
- Brethil the Herbalist
- Brigaic
- Broadlimb
- Brogath
- Brok of Gundabad
- Bronwyn
- Brôn the Clumsy
- Buldar
- Buldin
- Bâli son of Tâlm
- Bâli the Unfortunate
- Bâm
- Bân son of Brôn
- Bân son of Tâlm
- Bâzkû
- Bîz
- Bórin son of Nárin
- Bôfor the Breathless
- Calalindë
- Calphien Lossellë
- Cambëtyelca
- Caradhras
- Caraneth
- Carnil the Vintner
- Cectelë
- Celeborn the Wise
- Celebrimbor
- Celebring of Rivendell
- Celedring the Smith
- Celeglîn
- Cellinant
- Cemendur Axanturion
- Cemendur of Gondor
- Changing of the World
- Cirdur
- Cirissë Menelrána
- Ciryamir
- Ciryatir
- Ciryatur
- Ciryon son of Isildur
- City of Corsairs
- Coleth Merilinde
- College of Loremasters
- Cult of Duram
- Curudol
- Círdan the Shipwright