- For the main article on the Rohirrim, see Rohirrim.
This is a set category for listing individual Rohirrim of note or renown.
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All items (249)
- Ealdryhten
- Ecweoh
- Edwine of the Eoforingas
- Eldnoth
- Elfdag of the Eásternwardas
- Elfhelm of the East-Mark
- Elfhild of Eastfold
- Elflád of the Eásternwardas
- Elfmar of the Eásternwardas
- Elfwine the Fair
- Elgyth
- Elred
- Eofor
- Eolhald Langridder
- Eorl the Young
- Eota
- Erkenbrand of Westfold
- Erkenwald of the Drenghornings
- Esfled of the Drenghornings
- Esmund of the Eoforingas
- Ethryth
- Fasthelm of Faldham
- Fastmund
- Fastred of Sutcrofts
- Fastred son of Folcwine
- Felahren
- Felanath
- Felgund the Merchant
- Fengel of Rohan
- Feolacund
- Folawyn
- Folca the Hunter
- Folcred of Edoras
- Folcred son of Fastred
- Folcwalda
- Folcwine of Rohan
- Folcwyn
- Foldwine
- Folwyn daughter of Folcwine
- Framric
- Freca the Fat
- Fréa the Old
- Fréalaf Hildeson
- Fréamund
- Fréan
- Fréawine Fréason
- Fréawyn Helmsdóhtur
- Gamling the Old
- Ganburh
- Garnoc
- Gerle of the Hemingfoendas
- Gléowine
- Gléowyn of the Bregadalingas
- Godgifu of the Fréolicas
- Goldred of Edoras
- Goldwine
- Gram the Fierce
- Grid of the Felldrengas
- Grim of Grimslade
- Grimbold of Grimslade
- Grimborn of Grimslade
- Grimbrand of the Hemingfoendas
- Grimhild
- Grippa the Thin
- Gríma Wormtongue
- Grímhelm
- Guillgi the Reaver
- Guldwyn
- Guma
- Guthláf of Fenmarch
- Guthrond
- Gálmód the Dour
- Gárulf of Folde
- Gódmód
- Haethen
- Hafoc
- Haleth Hámason
- Haleth son of Helm
- Hambold
- Hambold the Teacher
- Harding of the Wold
- Harding son of Hearga
- Hearga
- Helm Hammerhand
- Helmere
- Heorulf
- Herefara of Stonedeans
- Herelaf
- Hereward of the Felldrengas
- Hermgamel
- Hermgarth
- Herubrand of Stonedeans
- Herulf of Deeping-Combe
- Herulf the Outlaw
- Heóf
- Hild
- Hild of the Rénewardingas
- Hildeburg
- Hildgard of the Eoforingas
- Hlafwine
- Horn of Stangard
- Hretel Hretelson
- Hréthel the Older
- Hutha, son of Hengest
- Hálárde the Merchant
- Háma son of Helm
- Háma the Doorward
- Héafod of Edoras
- Héolstor of the Felldrengas
- Hére