- For the main article on Rohan, see Rohan.
This is a topic category for Rohan.
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- Abandoned Coppermine
- Aculf's Camp
- Adorn
- File:Adornriver.png
- Adventurer's Tower
- Agelwyn
- Aglarond
- File:Aglarond2.jpg
- Aldburg
- Aldor the Old
- Amon Gastal
- Amon Hen
- Amon Roch
- Anduin Undeeps
- Ardwyn
- Argonath
- Arod (Horse)
- Ashlimb
- Asirac Tombs
- Awful Path
- Awful Stair
- Baduhild
- Baldbark
- Balewood (Fangorn)
- Barad Tathren
- Barrow of the Forgotten King
- Beacon Hills
- Belidin
- Beówyrt of the Wold
- Black Heart
- Black Pool (Isengard)
- Boar of Everholt
- Boldgar
- Bosnauk
- Botglim
- Branomaboi
- Bredford
- Brego (Horse)
- Brego the Old
- Bregowine
- Broadacres
- Broadlimb
- Brytta Léofa
- Bughrakh
- Bugud
- Burgûl
- Burnoth, son of Baldeg
- Bámélidis
- Béored
- Bócere
- Búrzash
- Daen Coentis
- Dagam-Bûrz
- Dagred of Sutcrofts
- Dark Door
- Daskila
- Deeping Stream
- Deeping Wall
- Deeping-coomb
- Deer
- Derláf
- Derndingle
- Dernmod
- Derwhad
- Desolate Crofts
- Dolcyne
- Draugar
- Dréor
- Ducks
- Duguthdag
- Duiuech
- Dunharrow
- Dunlostir
- Dwimmerthane
- Dwimorberg
- Dáma of Rohan
- Déor the Wild
- Déorgar of the Fenlotingas
- Déorhere
- Déorles
- Dúnhere of Underharrow
- Dûrbuhûk
- Ealdryhten
- East Wall of Rohan
- Eastemnet
- Eastern Outpost of the White Hand
- Eastfold
- Eastmund's Lair
- Eastremed
- Eastremed Forest
- Eaworth
- Ecweoh
- Edoras
- Edoras Road
- File:Edorasview.jpg
- Edwine of the Eoforingas
- Eldnoth
- Elfdag of the Eásternwardas
- Elfhelm of the East-Mark
- Elfhild of Eastfold
- Elfmar of the Eásternwardas
- Elfwine the Fair
- Elred
- Elthengels
- Emyn Muil
- Enedhîr (Calenardhon)
- Entwash Vale
- Eofor
- Eorl the Young
- Eota
- Erkenbrand of Westfold
- Esfled of the Drenghornings
- Estolîn
- Etheburg
- Ethryth
- Everholt