This article contains all general information about Rávasse (Q. "Untamed One"; pl. "Rávatsar"), constituting all the amphibians and reptiles. These creatures included the Ango (Q. "Snake"; pl. "Angwi"), the Assanga (Q. "Crocodile"; pl. "Assangar", lit. "Ironmouths"), the Lencalanco (Q. "Lizard"; pl. "Lencalancor"; lit. "Loosethroats"), the Hyalmacoace (Q. "Turtle"; pl. "Hyalmacoacer", lit. "Shell-toads"), and the Koaka (Q. "Frog"; pl. "Koakar"), etc. Closest to Oromë's Maia servant Leukë, they were cold-blooded beasts that laid eggs and were often confused with monsters (Q. "Ulundor").
- Amphibian (Q. "Yulunefíter")
- Toad and Frog (Quaker and Kabori)
- Blue toad
- Bog-toad (L)
- Brown frog (L)
- Cave-toad
- Copper-back bullfrog
- Copper-back Frog
- Deep-Toad
- Dune Frog
- Flier
- Black Flier
- Grey flyer
- Fliers of Mordor
- Fog Frog
- Giant Frog
- Golden Toad
- Gorgoroth toad
- Hill-toad
- Kastaba
- Lake Peeper
- Line Frog
- Marsh frog (L)
- Midgewater frog
- Pond Frog
- Red river-toad
- River Toad
- Great River-Toad
- Silt-toad
- Spotted toas (L)
- Swampfrog
- Tree-Frog
- Water Leaper
- Well-traveled turtle
- Salamander (L)
- Deep-Salamander
- Fire Salamander
- Flame-tongue Salamander
- Black Salamander or Frunt
- Island-Salamander
- Mudsucker
- Stonehide-Salamander
- Wold-Salamander
- Newt (L)
- Northern crested newt, Great crested newt, Warty newt
- Water-newt
- Toad and Frog (Quaker and Kabori)
- Reptile (Q. "Velokor")
- Ancient Reptile ("Altalantecuimar")
- Angaunaiwëli
- Assangar
- Alligator (Sweetwater Assangar)
- Crocodile of Greater Harad
- Large Crocodile
- Small Crocodile
- Gelinencai
- Swamp-Dragon or Logoloegen
- Sea-crocodile or Carchadil
- Celjust Guster
- lesser Hellhawk
- Fell-beast, Winanbar or Gartyl (L)
- Great Lizard
- Anduin Lizard
- Beleguan
- Cave-Lizard
- Fen-Lizard
- Flood-lizard
- Great Lizard of Vulm-Shryac
- Gwollúg
- Holly-Lizard
- Land Lizard
- Scrub-lizard
- Shaskan
- Snatcher
- Stone-Lizard
- Subterranean Lizard
- Waterworks lizard
- Lizard (Lenkalankar)
- Blue Lizard
- Gecko
- Black lizard
- Fire-Lizard
- Frunt
- Gorbet
- Small lizard of the Suza Sumar
- Zurkuvi or Way-Lizard
- Iguana
- Beaded Lizard
- Cave-Lizard
- Chameleon
- Fat Iguana
- Dragon lizard
- Andodailion
- Desert Iguana
- Hunting lizard or Anfarod-Uitir
- Mangonel
- Pearl-Lizard
- Peridrac
- Scrub Lizard
- Wuchyga
- Wall lizard
- Slow-fang
- Angwi (skink, serpent and worm lizard)
- Snake
- Boa
- Great Constrictor (Boa Constrictor)
- Ormakûla
- Shindabi
- Great Constrictor (Boa Constrictor)
- Bog-snake
- Caja
- Cave Serpent (L)
- Cobra
- Asgur
- Desert Cobra
- Dread Cobra
- Hell Cobra
- Colubrid
- Garter
- Hognose
- Nethairin
- Highland Nathair
- nethairin erdyr
- Nethraich or Water-Whip
- Ossenethraich
- Ernethraich
- Ringneck
- Great Cave-Snake (L)
- Coireali
- Core Snake
- Dune Snake
- Giant Furred Snake
- Gorgoroth Snake
- Grass snake, ringed snake or water snake (L)
- Blue-scaled serpent
- Curin Pelevag
- Izhta
- Halgajar or orcish Pit-Snake
- Horned Snake
- Kjerat
- Marsh Snake
- Midgewater-Snake
- Otrovativi
- Petlavi
- Quagmire-snake
- Ribbon-Snake
- Viper
- Athanar Viper
- Adder (L)
- marsh adder
- Rock Adder
- Deadly Green Serpent
- Death Head Viper
- Egil's Viper
- Horse Viper
- Iguri
- pit Vipers
- Rock Viper or Leopard Viper
- Sarpi
- Water Viper
- Winged Viper
- Asp
- Asp Nettle
- green asp
- Ringed Serpent
- Sand-Asp
- Shaking Asp
- Water Snake and Sea Snake
- Gargantuan Sea-Serpent
- Sea-Drake
- Urod
- White eyeless snake
- Zamkavi
- Boa
- Snake
- Blue Lizard
- Turtle, Terrapin, and Tortoise (Oiratelmar)
- Blue terrapin (Luinikrúmor)
- Great Turtle
- Deep-Turtle
- Fastitokalons or Turtle-fish (L)
- Dread turtle
- Land tortoise
- Stone-Turtle
- Ironscale
- Mud Turtle
- Sea-Turtle
- Snapper turtle
- Winged Terrapin
- Ancient Reptile ("Altalantecuimar")
(L) = Creatures mentioned in the Legendarium
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