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- Abairin the Tall
- Abairris
- Adanel of Númenor
- Adrador of Dol Amroth
- Adrahil II of Dol Amroth
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- Adûnayâl
- Adûrazil
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- Ailinel of Númenor
- Airamírë
- Airanna
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- Aiwen
- Akallazôr
- Akûta Wân-Drâl
- Alad'aron
- Alagiel
- Alareik
- Alcarinë
- Aldamir
- Aldazar
- Aldor the Addled
- Aldor the Old
- Almarian
- Almiel of Númenor
- Almáriel of Rómenna
- Alphor I of Dol Amroth
- Alphros
- Alquawen
- Amandil of Andúnië
- Amannér a•Sancayár
- Amanyë
- Amdori
- Amdír Malgalad
- Amlaith of Fornost
- Amonar
- Amras
- Amrazil of Dol Amroth
- Amrod Ambarussa
- Amroth son of Amdír
- Amrothos I of Dol Amroth
- Amrothos III of Dol Amroth
- Amrothos IV of Dol Amroth
- Amrothros of Dol Amroth
- Amárië
- Anairë of Formenos
- Anardil of Gondor
- Anbar Cilgir
- Anborn the Ranger
- Andai Inda'eir
- Angamaitë Castamaition
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- Angbor the Fearless
- Angelimir
- Angrod Iron-handed
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- Anárion Elendilion
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- Arandil of Cardolan
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- Araneth of Arthedain
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- Arantar of Arnor
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- Araphor of Arthedain
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- Ardamir of Númenor
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- Argeleb I of Arthedain
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- Argirion of Linhir
- Argon Fingolfinion
- Argonui
- Arhendhiril
- Ariel daughter of Curufin
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- Arkûladum of Umbar
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- Artamir of Gondor
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- Atanatar I of Gondor
- Atanatar II Alcarin
- Attawulf of the Paidareiks
- Aulendil of Andúnië
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- Avos of Îgath
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- Azaghâl Redhammer
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- Azog 2 the Defiler
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- Baldor the Hapless
- Balin son of Fundin
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- Ballo
- Balûkthôn Greyfeather
- Balûkthôn the Scarlet
- Balûkthôn XI
- Bandobras Took
- Baragud
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- Barahir of Gondor
- Barahir of Ladros
- Barak son of Thelor
- Bard Dwarf-friend
- Bardhan
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- Belecthor I of Gondor
- Belecthor II of Gondor
- Beleg Cúthalion
- Beleg of Arthedain
- Belegorn of Carn Dûm
- Belegorn of Gondor
- Belemir of Gondor
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- Beregond of Gondor
- Beregor of the Misty Mountains
- Beren of Gondor
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- Bhalli son of Bhalli
- Bhalli the Rash
- Bhrâli of Rûrumakh
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