This site contains the non-Player Characters, Nobles, Villains as well as ordinary villagers.
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- Adûntârik
- Aeghan the Seer
- Aenpe the Grocer
- Aevhir
- Agiogais
- Agonglirúk
- Agrolg
- Aikurrist
- Ainhari
- Aithgavia
- Aivahati
- Aivamavi
- Aivareik the Arborer
- Aivavig the Archer
- Akallazôr
- Albireik Blackfist
- Alid the Breeze
- Alliso
- Allneith
- Altheihilm Domia
- Amalahaira
- Amannér a•Sancayár
- Amarla
- Amaron
- Amglin
- Amrod of Calenhad
- Amrod of Cirith Ungol
- Amrohir of Eithel Celebrin
- Amthol
- Anborn the Ranger
- Andrâx
- Angaroth
- Angbor of Tirith Ingon
- Angbor of Tirith Nindor
- Angen the Messenger
- Ann Lilypool
- Answini of House Amrodan
- Antarakûl of Umbar
- Ben Appledore
- Araclin the Clothier
- Aramath
- Aramir
- Archelef Terchrín
- Arcondur
- Ardana
- Ardaron
- Ardûala
- Ari-Ghân
- Ari-Lam
- Arkila
- Arkûladum of Umbar
- Arleg of Arthedain
- Arminas of Tirith Nindor
- Aster of the green Hand
- Authgavia
- Aûr
- Bairahari from the Mossy
- Balasimur
- Balbo Baggins
- Baldaerion
- Bannie Grumm
- Barahim
- Barakat
- Baramor
- Baranor the Magician
- Bardila
- Baurggavia
- Bauthila Oxkiller
- Bauthreik the Stray
- Beleg of Ithilien
- Belegorn V of Caras Gwindor
- Beligele
- Benevacer
- Beredu
- Bernebrun
- Bert Greenshin
- Berubaur
- Beruvacar
- Bikio
- Bil-nirr
- Bil-sûrr
- Bilig-lann
- Bilila of the Rushlight
- Bill Butcher
- Billin-tiuri
- Biovunio
- Biskabia the Tanner
- Blogath
- Bloodstump the Hunter
- Boah Agonar
- Bob Thistlewood
- Bob Wheathead
- Boffo Took
- Bohôr
- Bokdankh
- Boldgar
- Borathôr
- Borhan
- Boronthorn
- Brago Took
- Bragolchamion
- Bragolhir
- Braith the Tinker
- Brandir of Celebannon
- Bregowine
- Bura Grumm
- Buriwini the Proud Foot
- Burzhûr
- Bân
- Bócere
- Bófi
- Bôfor the Breathless
- Bûrgulburun
- Cadnuir
- Caerlîn
- Calendî
- Calmarin
- Cambrêg of Tol Malbor
- Cambëringa
- Cambëtyelca
- Camlan the Healer
- Carangileth
- Carnil Ravírië
- Caw fab Manawyddan
- Celedil
- Celyn
- Cicerdd
- Cirband
- Cirion of Durthand
- Cirissë Menelrána
- Cirlos
- Cisgid
- Cober the moribound
- Coldomac Tunneller
- Curudol
- Cuthan
- Cykur
- Côrnendir