Many streams and rivers flew through this southern region of Cardolan between the Gwathló and the Baranduin,southwest of the edge of the Eriadoran upland.Minhiriath was famous for its fertile farmlands.Nominally bordered by the Men Ceren, the road between Tharbad and Sarn Ford, it was comprised of Dol Caladir, Dol Tinereb, Eryn Vorn, Girithlin highlands and Saerlann. The region was prone to the annual floods of its rivers, however, and it was never as populous as it could have been.
Brandywine Swamps Chalk Prairie Eryn Vorn Ethir Gwathló Faerdor Girithlin Highlands Gwathló Marches Hoarwell Marches Milkfall Edge Mintyrnath Moc Lennen Mora Hal Northern Uplands Oyer Pinnath Nimren Rast Arnor Rast Vorn Red Hills
Places of Note[]
Adandor Aedilburh Aldburh Allimir Althil Amlolas Amrelor Andrath Angoth Annithir Annon Baran Arading Argond Arnach Aspar Baloss Barad Eden Benglaras Bondor Bor Leath Bregnas Brildil Burh Stench Cabden Cadbury Caranthel Cairc Dinas Cairc Fergus Calthiel Caras Gwanoth Carn Gasadaer Chalnen Creb Durga Cithrenor Clearwater Wells Daelmoth Darras ola Ras Delbarad Denerond Deveney Dinach Dirdabor Dol Caladir Dol Ninden Dol Orme Dol Tinereb Dongril Edirey Edras Entamundo Erenir Faelond Fangoth Forondir Galathlilwar Geleborn Girwing Guinnion Gundiok Gwaelin Gwahilmoth Gwernabwy Harbarist Helegnel Herwen Highland Junction Iarond Ilfin Laldir Linnuis Lond Daer Malehaut Marishburh Mathlor Metriath Meur Tol Minas Emrys Minas Girithlin Minas Mellon Minas Thonfalon Mindo Liriel Minsiril Camp Nadior Nansret Nidada Ninepin Junction Quiel Redhel Roadsend Sarnford Seren Silanir Soas Stonehall Sudúri Talsir Telwaen Thaendor Tharaman Tharbad Tharchel Tiramarth Traith Chefudoc Trollhead Udandir Urdrond Wood's Edge
Brandywine Chielwis Girithlin Gwathló Minsiril Nen-i-Sûl
Iaur Men Formen Len Caraug Len Mordo Len Naugrim Men Narda Men Neven Mengalen Redway Road to Tharbad
Ainur:Merfolk River-Fays Tavari
Dwarves: Firebeards; Ibûnites
Elves: Nandor
Halflings: Stoors; Wild Hobbits
Men: Eriadorians (Cardolanian Northmen; Southerners: Caladirrim, Dynion, Dunmen, Faerdorrim, Girithlyn, Gwathlo bargemen, Gwathuirim, Mebden, Men of the Tharbad Marshes, Red Hill folk, Rivermen, Siol Speriag ),Drûghu:Beffraen, Daen Fiadach
Orcs: Orcs of Ceb Durga, Orcs of Cape Vorn
Trolls:Forest Trolls
Alligators Ancient Marsh-dwellers Ar-Nadrhach Giant Pronghorn Aurych Barrow Owls Bats Beavers Bees Birds Black Bears Black Chicken Blue Pigeons Brown Sludge Carchadils Caru Chatmoig Coireali Common Sheep Coneys Crabs Crawling Vermin Crows Cunara Dappled Deer Ducks Dunmen's Dogs Eels Ferrets Fiara Field Hare Field Mice Fish Fishers Flying Foxes Flying Frogs Frogs Geese Giant Slugs Giant Swamp Adder Glutani Gnats Goats Golodos Gophers Gorali Great Sea-crocodiles Ground Squirrels Harbdo Hawks Hedgehogs Highland Pronghorns Horses Hummerhorns Kelp-Kraken Kine Land Tortoises Large Thrushes Lions Littleworms Lynxes Mactire Madratine Marsh-Crocodiles Mice Migrant Geese Mosquitoes Moss-backs Muskrats Nathair Nathrach Neeker-Breekers Nimfiara Opossums Otters Owls Pawtunc Pigeons Pigs Ponies Porcupine Rabbits Raccoons Rats Red Chicken Red Foxes Red Wolves River Minks River-Pikes Rock Viper Rodents Sandfleas Sea-Crocodiles Sea-Urchins Sheep Sheep Hounds Skunks Slugs Small Bats Snakes Songbirds Sparrow-Hawks Spotted Lions Squirrels Stoats Swans Tailless Foxes Tortoises Turtles Ulmondili Walking Fronds War-Wolves Wargs Waterfowl Weasles Whales White Chicken White Wisps Wild Boar Wild Goats Wild Kine Wolf-Hounds Wolves Woodchucks Worms
Alders Henungol Animated Plants Lebellas Oroluin Arlandal Armanúmas Arpsúsar Orrain Athelas Calenhwan Avhail Awakened Trees Barley Barnaie Birch Blue Pine Boskone Camadarch Carcalen Spearleaf Duran Elbin's Basket Eorna Vanimella Feduilas Gooseberries Grain Harlindar Haruella Hawthorne Hiam Moss Ilis Galathrían Tallassë Lúsion Menelar Millet Mírëtar's Crown Motile Plants Nelthandon Nightshade Oak Pipeweed Poplar Reglen Rewk Rivertraveler Rúthin Sailcha Mornasercë Sha Shimmer Silaren Sprig Silaren Thindolluin Súranië Tall plains grass Tartiella Teldalion Temsanc Thûrl Lasdol Welwál Wheat White-berried Yew Willow Wine Witch-Hazel Worlclivur Yaran Zaganzar
- MERP:Arnor
Saerlann -
Tharbad -
Súthure -
Girithlin Highlands -
The Ruins of Minas Iaur and Bar-en-Uinendil -
Minas Mellon -
Balost -
Red Hill folk
All items (101)