The world of Arda was shaped not only by the craftsmanship of its peoples but also by the machinery they devised to aid them in warfare, construction, and daily life. Though Middle-earth never saw the widespread use of industrial technology, great civilizations such as Númenor, Khazad-dûm, Eregion and Lords of Essence developed intricate mechanisms that harnessed the power of gears, pulleys, and counterweights. Some of these machines were driven by steam, gears, or dark sorcery, while others were simply masterworks of engineering beyond the skill of later ages. From war engines to underground forges, machinery played a crucial role in shaping the great works of Arda.
Dwarven Machinery[]
Battlewagons Demolishers Earth-Eaters Fire-Wagons Ore-borers Ore-carts Ram-drills Sledges
Elven Machinery[]
Airships of Amon Lind Chrystal Circuitry Lights of Chrystal Stone-Engines Engines of Great Power Hydraulic-Equipment Noldorin Mining Equipment Gliders Scorpions
Númenóreran Machinery[]
Airships Big Stoatin' Fire Tank Chain-Reel Drive Chain-Razors Hinged-Hook
Inline Toxic Death Dispenser Inferno-Hurling Launcher Ironbounds Leviathans Númenórean Fire Patakatapaka Phundatârik Rectractable Extra Deadly Bits Power Increaser Wormrot Oils Zôrputha
Orcish and Goblin Machinery[]
Flakbûn Guldur-lamp Mangler Mechanical Dragons Orc-Carts
Siege-Tower Ballistas battering rams Battlewagons Bolt-throwers Catapults Catapult Wagons Chariots Drill-rams Grappling ballista Onagers Scorpions Siege ladders Siege Towers Siege Bows Siege Crossbows Stone Throwers Trebuchets War-ram
All items (13)